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alexa play pov by ariana grande

alexa play pov by ariana grande

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Azuri Chanel

"X'Anna wake upppp" I shook her, I'm tired of sitting in the house. We supposed to be going to Hollywood Boulevard and if she don't wake up ima go by myself.

"X'Anna..... Leilani......." i continued tapping her and she groaned and turned around.

"Baby let me sleep for 30 more minutes,cmon lay down" She spoke in her sleepy voice grabbing my waist.

"No, you been sleep for three hours"I told her standing up.

"bae come on" She fussed making me roll my eyes. Yeah I know I do that a lot.

"okay Azuri damn i'm getting up" She said while closing her eyes again.

"Stay here then" I went to the drawers to pick out an outfit. I was rummaging through the drawer when i felt her wrap her arms around me and kiss my neck.

"I'm up girl damn" She said giving me a kiss and smacking my ass. She's really a nigga that dress like a female..and barely that sometimes lmfao.

I chose to wear a two piece set. It was some grey leggings and a grey bralette and I was gonna pair it with some white fenty slides. I got a thong and began getting dressed.I wasn't gonna do any makeup just comb my lash extensions and throw my hair into a high pony.

I'm here fully dressed and X'Anna sitting on the bed with a sports bra on and a blunt in her mouth. um chile anyways. I sprayed my vanilla bean perfume and put on some body oil.

"Baby" I glared at her. " I'm almost done hold on" She told me making me groan.

Once she finished smoking she put on some black biker shorts and a black and blue kehlani graphic tee with some blue and white dunks. She looked good as usual. I could eat her right now.

"You ready now" I asked her and she nodded spaying some perfume and her phone.


We got to Hollywood boulevard and we was stopping in the stores just looking around and of course X'Anna dragged me into this smoke shop.

"Wassup pretty ladies" A dude browsing the store said to us,now y'all know X'Anna is possessive. She grabbed my waist and pulled me closer ignoring him.

"Baby come on what you finna get it's too many niggas in here" I huffed.

She placed a rolling tray,a grinder and a torch lighter on the counter , she paid for it then we left.

"Niggas be weird" She said and l agreed.

" Bae let's go in here" She dragged me to this sex store.

"Oh lord,what are you tryna get?" I asked her scared for my insides.

She dragged me to where the dildos were and she ended up getting a clear 8 inch one and a harness. She also picked up a vibrator and some handcuffs.

"Why you shopping like we at walmart" I asked her laughing. "I like it in here" she shrugged.

She paid for the toys and then we headed to get something to eat, " Bae what you wanna eat" She asked me & I shrugged.

"You want this sushi place across the street?" I asked her and she nodded yes. I nodded in agreement and kissed her.

"Simp" I said

"Sometimes, I be fucking bitches though" She laughed. Y'all know I rolled my eyes and pushed her.

"It was a lil jokey joke bae,you my one and only girl" She said in a playful tone,grabbing me by my waist.

"Yeah it sound good,it's okay ima build my roster too" I smirked

"And ima shoot em all one by one,try me"She said pretending to shoot a gun.

"Crazy tail self"


"babyy i'm sleepy" she whined,rubbing my sides.

"you always sleepy X'Anna" i laughed & she huffed.

"Ima homebody,i'm tired of this grandpa"

"well that's TOO DAMN BAD"

"okay ima remember this when i'm pounding yo shit & you telling me to slow down" she whispered in my ear. GIRL she can't be doing that, I almost took off my panties right here and handed them to her.

"girl shutup,that be you talm bout bae ouu slow down" i teased

"it's just yo face bae, it make my dick hard and the titties go crazyyyy"she said slapping my ass making people turn around.

"what dick girl,and why you have to be so vulgar in these people restaurant"

" i don't gaaaaf about these folks"

Me and X'Anna have gotten reaaaaal close in this past month chile. I'm scared I like her way too much it's giving simp. I always wanna be with her and kiss on her.

Im sced, i did say i wanted all of her right? 🥴


"babyyyyyy" i whined watching her play the game

"wassup luv"she paused for a second and pecked my lips. Come get meeee! Hot girl down I repeaaat

"come lay with me,i miss you"I sat on her lap and hugged her.

"bae how you miss me and i'm right here" she laughed

"cause i do,you gone rub my ass or i need to find a bitch that will?" i mugged her & she put her hand around my throat. The panties is soaked baby. I might as well come up out em.

"you know better"she smirked,she know exactly wtf she be doing.

"ion know shit,you gone have to show me" i teased she turned off the game and pushed me on the bed.

ah,yes just the reaction i wanted. fuckkk me neoooow

"if you wanted to get fucked that's all you had to say,talkin allat shit." she started laughing while rubbing my thighs.

"i want you ...,damn didn't know i had to spell it out"

"yeah you talking reckless,it's okay"She walked off and left me there...


"turn over and arch yo shit"she grabbed a hand full of my hair and ... y'all know the rest BYE

luv it here , #speakingfromtheheart b fletcherrrr

ya girl been in school tryna get my life together junior year of college kicking my asssss

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