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Toga was knocked to the ground as Ururaka switched the lights on quickly. The brunette grabbed a large book off her bedside table and held it up like she was about to smack the villain. Toga reached for some knives tucked underneath her back as she watched Ururaka open her mouth ready to scream for help. But instead, the hero in training dropped down onto her knees, panting and wheezing, and coughing up blood. For once, Toga was horrified by the sight of blood. She shook her head as she told herself there must be something wrong with her- she's supposed to love the sight of blood. But why not now?

She dropped her knives and shuffled closer to Ururaka.
"Back off!" She growled, kicking at Toga. The blonde retreated immediately. She pushed away her equipment and raised her hands in the air as if she was surrendering.
Ururaka looked at her confused trying to ignore the blood seeping out of her mouth onto the floor in between coughs and wheezes.
"I wanna help you," Himiko said calmly as she saw the questioning expression on the other girls' face.
"You can't manipulate me! I'd never join your filthy band of villains!"she reached underneath her bed for some handcuffs and quickly fastened them around Toga's wrists.

The blonde shook her head at Ururaka and she saw her gripping on to a key- presumably the key to open her handcuffs.
"I mean I want to help you now. With whatever's going on. It doesn't take a genius to know you're ill. If you wanted to I could maybe help. You just needa explain what's going on."

Still panting, Ururaka looked at Toga confused but this time she looked more sad than angry. "Why would- why would a villain- help- help a hero-" she asked, in between uneven breaths. Toga a turned a bright shade of red,"I'm not quite sure myself..."

There was a small pause as Ururaka looked deeply into Himiko's eyes. She realised the eyes she saw were the eyes of honesty. "I-" she was interrupted by another coughing fit, with blood dripping onto the floor and she clung onto her chest as she gasped for air. She weakly crawled over to her bedside table and fumbled across the surface until she found what she was searching for. She stuck the inhaler in her mouth and took a deep breath in. Toga looked in shock as she saw the other girl try to stand up, only to stumble and trip over with her frail legs. Toga rushed over as fast as she could to catch her. She managed to cushion Ururaka's head from the fall by cupping her hands inbetween her legs whilst kneeling down.

The pink cheecked girl's breathing slowly died down as she took the keys off the floor again. She passed them to Toga who got the hint that she could take the handcuffs off. She did so, resting Ururaka's head on her lap before she unlocked the chains.

When she finished, she saw the other female staring to her eyes. It was as if she was looking for something. Her eyes suddenly started filling with tears. "Help me..." she whispered. Toga pulled her into a tight hug, muffling Ochako's screams of pain with her arms.
"It's gunna be ok," she said whilst stroking her head.

Help me. [Toga X Uraraka][discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now