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Toga woke up in an unfamiliar bed tucked in tightly with a blanket and a brown haired girl. She smiled and blushed to herself as she stroked the soft hair. She watched as Ururaka's eyes flickered open.
"Morning..." she mumbled.
"Morning." There was a silence between the two. The brunette started to giggle.
"W-what?" Toga asked, flustered she had done something wrong.
"I just found it ironic that all my life I've wanted to be a hero to help my family, and here I am, sleeping with a villain" she smiled then laughed at Toga's red face.
"You don't needa phrase it like that" she pouted.
"Aw, looks like someone's embarrassed," Ochako pinched her cheek teasingly but gasped as Toga threw a cushion at her face. The pair of girls laughed with enjoyment.

Ururaka's laughs turned into coughs suddenly and Himiko panicked.
"Oh my god-" she frantically jumped out of the bed and started searching for anything that could help.
"I-I'm fine..." Ururaka croaked. The villain ignored her and continued searching until she found a plastic container filled with school books. She emptied out the contents on the table and handed it to Ururaka who was still spirting blood.
"It'll catch your blood and stop making a mess." Toga looked at the floor and saw a pool of blood from the day before.
"I'll mop it up later, it's fine." Ochako said after calming down from her coughing fit.

Toga hopped onto the bed and scooched over to Ururaka who then sighed.
"I suppose you deserve an explanation..."
"You don't have to tell me anything if you dont want to- I'm not forcing you,"
Ochako waved it off and carried on.
"For a long time I've been like this just not as bad. At first it was some coughs and they were easy to disguise but then I started to notice the blood stains on my clothes and the situation got worse. I'm trying to see a doctor but it's really expensive so I'm working part time at a cafe. I can't make much though because I've already got school and training almost all the day and the cafe pays me 600 yen per hour. Doctor appointments are 100,000 nowadays and hard even just to schedule with all the new quirks being developed and what not."

"Oh..." Toga looked down guiltily. Ururaka hung her head as yet another silence dawned on them. Himiko suddenly looked up with a gleam in her eyes.
"I have an idea," she grinned as she stood up and took the tub of blood from Ururaka.
"What is it?"
"I can go in and do all your lessons as you and you can work at your cafe whenever you feel well enough. I've been able to use your quirk only since recently so I can still perform hero training. But make sure to take a container wherever you go so that if you start coughing again, you, can collect the blood for me to drink. I still have a small vial full of your blood which should get me through half the day. That added with what you've coughed up this morning will last me the whole day! What do you say?"

Ochako gazed at her in amazement.
"Um, yeah, I love it. But are really ok drinking the blood that I spat out,"
"Anything to help you",Toga grinned.

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