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Thankfully, Hero Training wasn't on today's timetable so Toga still had some time to practice Uraraka's quirk before she actually had to use it in battle.

She walked through the corridors of the school building and headed over to the 1A dorms. She was about to step inside the main entrance door when she was interrupted by a pink haired girl who was practically bouncing after her.
Toga turned around to see the horned female sprinting towards her.
"Yes?" She asked. Her name was.... Toga focused hard and tried to remember the seating plan Yaomomo gave her. Mina! That's it. Mina Ashido.
"I'm asking all the girls if they wanna have a sleepover in my dorm tonight. Do you wanna come?"
"Of course!" The brunette said cheerfully.
"Sweet! I already got permission from Aizawa Sensei but he said if we make too much of a racket we'll be banned from having sleepovers in the dorms."
With that, she ran off into the dorms- probably to ask the other girls.

Toga watched in silence. A small smile crept onto her face as she experienced a strange feeling- not as strong as what she felt with Ochako, but it was still warm and comfortable. Friendship? She thought, as she recalled that she sometimes did feel like that when she hung out with Dabi and Twice and Shiggy, and the rest of the league.

She strolled inside still smiling and walked up the stairs to the familiar nameplate hanging on the door. She took the key from underneath the pink fluffy doormat and opened the door.
"Anyone home?.." she asked as she peered inside. No answer. Nobody there. I hope her work shift doesn't last too long... I have a lot to ask her.

She sat down on the bed and loosened her tie as she transformed back to her own body. After giving in to boredom of just lying down on the bed, she got up and wandered around the room.

Toga thought she could maybe find something to learn about her classmates, like a yearbook or diary. She flipped through Ururaka's shelf of books. They were all about pro heroes, hero training, physical health, etc. Her fingers were starting to become sore from looking through paperwork, school books and other hero-related books. She stopped when she saw something that caught her eye. Carefully sliding it out of the bookshelf, she gasped in awe as she looked at the velvet book cover. It was decorated beautifully with golden swirls and curves around the edges, small flowers of all colours implanted in the corners of the cover and the book strangely had no title written on it. Gently stroking the spine, she opened the thick book. She noticed it had been signed on the first page with cursive handwriting yet it was still hard to read. She made out the words, 'you are perfect ............. don't change' before the door opened and Ochako's head popped inside.
"Bonjour!" She grinned and closed the door behind her. Toga quickly shut he book and placed it back in its place on the shelf.
"Welcome back! I was just admiring some of the books." The blonde said innocently.
"I never thought anyone would take that much interest in them- apart from maybe Deku and Yaomomo- and especially not you." Uraraka laughed a little.
"Why? Because I'm a villain?" Himiko grinned with the brunette.
"A bit... but mainly just because you didn't strike me as a book loving person and certainly not books about heroes." She scooped the other girl into a hug. "I had a long day today," she yawned, changing moods.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Toga asked sympathetically.
"Nah- too tired,"
"Oki. Well you lie down then." She directed the UA student onto her bed and was about to let go to tuck her inside the duvet when Uraraka suddenly tightened her arms around Toga.
The brunette pulled Toga into the bed with her.
"Don't leave me." She whispered.
"I'm not going anywhere, Ochako"
There was a silence as the two girls embraced each other. Toga blushed lightly when she opened her eyes to see a peaceful Uraraka. She's adorable my heart can't take it- she thought and smiled to herself.

After a few more minutes of silence there was a knock on the door.
"Uraraka, you there?"
The two girls looked at each in shock then quickly set everything up. Toga transformed into Uraraka whilst the real Uraraka hid in the bathroom quickly.

"Who is it?" Toga called out.
"It's me, Mina. Just double checking that you're still free tonight!"
"Oh, uh, yep!" Damn it. I totally forgot about the sleepover.
"Cool. See ya later!"
"Yeah you too!"

Ochako quietly clicked the bathroom door open and Toga reverted back into herself as they heard Mina's footsteps get quieter. When they no longer could hear any noise outside the room, the brunette turned to face Himiko, who was looking down at the floor and her hair hanging over her face.
"Why didn't you tell me there was a sleepover?" She asked, a little annoyed.
"I forgot... I'm really sorry,"
Ururaka let out a sigh and went over to hug the depressed girl.
"It's okay, I'm not angry at you. Just make sure you remember these kind of things for the sake of saving your own skin. If you had told me about the sleepover as soon as I got home, I could've told all the stuff you needed to know about the girls and some gossip they'd probably want to hear."
She stroked Toga's hair gently.
"If I ever get caught by anyone else here, promise me you won't confess that you've had anything to do with me."
"I-" Ururaka hesitated. She hadn't thought about what would happen if Toga was caught. They'd probably arrest her and keep her locked up somewhere. Somewhere where the students couldn't visit. Ururaka wouldn't be able to request to visit her either because it would make them suspicious of why she would want to see Toga. "I, can't promise anything..." she eventually mumbled. Toga pulled away from her hug and sat down on the bed.

"You go to sleepover. They are your friends after all." She said, still not looking into the other girls' eyes, "You should have some fun every once in a whole aswell. Just make sure if you feel like you'll start being sick again that you excuse yourself to the bathroom and come back here. I need to restock on your blood soon."
"What will you do when I'm gone?"
"I dunno. Probably just take a nap or something."

There was a silence as neither of the girls knew what to say.
"I'll be going then..."
"Yeah, bye."
Toga watched as Ururaka left the room. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she wondered what would happen to Ururaka if she was caught and framed as someone who covered a villain. She'd probably be registered as her villain herself. They'd definitely kick her out of UA and she'd be sent to prison. She wouldn't be able to work anymore and they probably wouldnt treat her illness very well.
If I stay here, there's a bigger chance we'll be caught and she'll be caught up in the mess, but if I leave no one else knows about her illness and there's no one who can help her.

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