Chapter Four - 5: Birthday Brutality

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we had two birthdays! haruka's was august 5th  and daiki's was august 11th! happy birthday to my little gay people i made up in my head

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we had two birthdays! haruka's was august 5th  and daiki's was august 11th! happy birthday to my little gay people i made up in my head.

also i passed my gcses and got a job yada yada no one cares. on with the story.

Hand throbbing, brain aching, I slowly pace myself down the stairs and through the doors of the Entertainment Building. Deep regret sinks in as I ponder over the events of the last few minutes. Kaso, a sculpture crafted from the densest toxic masculinity, has feelings for Daiki. A friend. A male friend. Yet his words were so bitter, so filled with the sourest venom - it's hard to say why he'd say such things about the one he loves. Supposedly. I should have never listened in, for the sake of my security and the health of my hand.

I sigh, trying to shake the thoughts from my mind. Dwelling on them will do me no good, not on a day I'm supposed to be cheerful. The cold, afternoon air of late October drifts against my skin, and I feel a chill run over my body. It'll only be a few hours until sunset, I think to myself. A little skyline watching could be a good activity for Aki's birthday.

Shortly enough, I reach the main building. Looking to the far wall, I notice a lone spider medium in size, though its jet black colour doesn't let it go unnoticed against the baby pink wallpaper. I've never been a fan of spiders - since I was a child, I'd scream and cry when I'd seen one until the maid whacked it with a broom. Quite disgusting little things, yet I feel so drawn to this one.

I'd like a spider, when I told Kuroko about my birthday, she said she'd get me one.

Hesitating slightly, I scoop the spider into the palm of my hand, wincing as I feel its legs squirm across my skin and cup it gently between my hands. I steady my walk, taking care not to drop or crush it as I go, pacing towards the canteen. With my shoulder, I bust the door open.

Coloured confetti, paper chains, an array of food laid out across a dozen of tables; the typical scene for a birthday party aimed at someone so child-like. A speaker rests atop one of the tables, surrounded by plates upon plates of little sandwiches, cakes, and other picky foods. Music plays through the room, some obscure pop music I've probably never heard of. Everyone is dotted around the room. Everyone but Kaso and Daiki.

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