Zayns birthday!

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Katie's pov

I was finished making Niall a sandwich.i looked at the calendar and saw it was the 12th. I remembered it was zayn birthday why didn't anyone tell me? I walked into the living room and saw the boys watching tv.then they looked at me with questioning eyes I walked over to zayn and sat down

"why didn't you tell me it was your birthday?"I asked

"I don't know it just didn't come up" he looked at me

"how can it not come up!?! It's your birthday!!" I exclaimed raising my hands up

"I don't see what the big deal is"

"do I have to spell it out for you? I don't have a gift for you and I'll have to make a cake an-" I started ranting about random things that have to do with birthdays when He clamped a hand over my mouth

"sshhhh it's fine Kate you don't have to get me a gift or make a cake im perfectly fine with a laid back birthday not some super altra birthday okay?"

I tried to say 'okay' but his hand was over my mouth so it just came out as 'okdny' the boys laughed as zayn took his hand off.i crossed my arms and put a sad pouty look on my face then zayn hugged me.i smiled and hugged back.the other boys looked jealous I laughed and hugged them to.

"can we go to the park?!?" Liam whined

"Fine come on let's go Lou your driving" Harry said

I walked out the door with the boys fallowing me.we hoped in the car and drove off.once we got there I got out of the car and saw swings the instantly took of running I heard footsteps behind me I turn my head and saw Louis and Harry running after me so I started to run as fast as I could but the boys got there first and started to swing. I pouted at them but they just stuck there tongues out at me so I just decided to go to the monkey bars and climb and jump around.i looked over and saw Liam going down the slide giggling like a little kid. I was laughing, let's just says bad Idea I fell off the monkey bars and got cut.i looked down and saw its bleeding I walked over to the boys

"gets guys do you have a band-aid? I got cut" I said showing them the cut on my arm.louis grabbed my arm and started looking at the cut

"oh my gosh are you okay? Does it hurt? Someone get a first-aid kit!" Liam said panicking I grabbed his face

"Li I'm fine I just need to cover it with a band-aid alright?"I saw that he was calming down

"why we're you so worked up anyway?"I asked

"I just don't like to see people getting hurt especially my little sister" he said hugging me, then Harry joined our hug then Niall then zayn and finally Louis. I smiled it was really nice knowing that someone cared about you and that worried when you got hurt.i let go and wiped the blood from my arm And looked at them

"you guys wanna go home?" Harry asked. We all agreed and got in the car and drove home. I decided i was going to go out and get a gift for zayn.


"FOOOOOD!!!" I heard someone yell 'Niall' I thought

"FINE I'LL DROP BY NANDOS ON THE WAY HOME BYE!" I walked to the mall and started looking.then I saw something that was perfect for him it was a mirror that said 'sexiest person on earth' It was hilarious.i walked up to the register.the girl looked up then her face brightened.

"hello!!" she said excitedly

"um hi do I know you?"

"no but I know you, your Liam Payne little sisters right?"

"um yeah how did you know?"

"I saw the twit-cam it was hilarious"

"well thanks I tell them you said"

"oh my name is kristen" she said sticking her hand out, I shook her hand

"alright well thank you have a good day!" I said to her waving

"you too!" she said waving back.i stopped by nandos and walked home I got inside and saw The boys past out on the sofa I quietly laughed and shook Niall so he could eat his food he looked at me wondering why I woke him the I waved the bag of food in his face

"NANDOS!!!!" he screamed waking the other boys up

"ugh Niall why so loud?" Louis said groggily

" I was excited I'm staving Lou!" Niall whined then dug in shoving food in his mouth.I giggled walking up the stairs to wrap zayn's present once I was finished I noticed zayn wasn't here and the boys were making food and setting up decorations

"what are you guys doing? Wheres zayn?"

"we gave him a big list of stuff we need and sent him to the store" Liam answered

"and we setting up for zayn's party" Harry said

"what party?"

"we invited a bunch of our friends and we're gonna Skype zayn's family!"

"oh cool do you guys need help?"

"yea um here can you climb on this ladder and hang this up?" Louis said handing me a decoration

"sure"I said grabbing it and climbing the ladder.i felt him grab my waist I looked down at him

"what are you doing?" I asked him

"making sure you don't fall"

"oh" I said hanging up the decoration. I heard a knock on the door.i climbed down the ladder and opened the door to see a bunch of people.Louis walked over and greeted them and let them inside Liam ,Harry and Niall were all finished setting out the snacks and hanging the decorations they got on the computer and skyped zayn's family because he's gonna be here soon I heard someone walking up the porch I ran over to the window and saw zayn coming up to the door

"he's here hide!" Harry whisper yelled as he shut of the lights and hid. He heard the door open and he walked in dropping all the bags on the ground and sighing

"why is it so dark in here?" he said turning on the lights. We all jumped out

"SURPRISE!!!!" we all screamed he dropped to the ground in shock grasping his chest

"OH MY GOD YOU SCARED ME!" he exclaimed standing up. When he noticed his family and walked over to the computer sitting down and waving to his family tears welling up in his eyes. I found how adorable it was how much the boys loved there families it was very sweet.once he and his family chatted for a while we decided to let him open his presents once he was finished opening all of them except mine I handed him mine.he opened the present and laughed

"oh my god this is the best present ever!"

"I'm glad you like it" I said hugging him.once the party ended everyone left we decided to clean up tomorrow we all sat on the ground I laid my head on Louis shoulder then suddenly zayn hugged us really tight

"what?" I asked him

" I just wanted to thank you guys this was a lot of fun I got to see my family and friends was just awesome" he said smiling I smiled back and hugged him again.liam popped in a movie I laid my head back on Louis should fell asleep smiling.


I decided to write another chapter yay! Anyway please comment and vote if you liked it! Thanks!

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