Called it

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Katie's Pov

I heard the door close as kaylee walked into the house. I sat up watching her as she sat down.

"what?" she asked staring back at me weirdly

"'d it go?" I asked leaning in as she blushed

"really, really well" she said I raised an eyebrow

"is that all your gonna give me?" she nodded I sighed thinking wait...they didn't. Oohh.

"did you know?" her cheeks turned a darker shade of red and I laughed.

"I knew it!!" I yelled running off into the other room.

Kaylees pov

I watched her run into the other room. I listened curiously as I heard her talking on the phone.

"Louis! I called it you totally owe me twenty bucks!" I heard her squeal I jumped up.

"Katie!! You and Louis did not bet on that!" I yelled chasing her. She laughed harder running upstairs. I heard a thump and a loud "owie!" signaling she's fallen I laughed as she screamed.

"Dammit i gotta bo bo!"

"why don't you get your boyfriend to fix it!" I said sitting back down remembering what happened earlier smiling to myself.

Louis' pov

I watched Harry walk in with a smirk on his face and I knew what happened. I was about to ask him something when my phone rang.

"hello?" I asked

"Louis!" I pulled the phone away from my ear alittle bit as she screamed " I called it you totally owe me twenty bucks!" I sighed before I heard kaylee yelling at her and a thump. I ended the call chuckling to myself.

"hey haz how'd it go? Pretty fun I'd imagine?" I winked he laughed

"a little yeah" he said smiling.

"alittle or a lot?" I said he looked down his dimples showing as he smiled more.

"a lot" he whispered

"so you guys did?"

"yeah but don't tell Liam I'll never hear the end of it" he said laughing. I smiled

"how was it?"

"it was amazing I can't even explain she's so beautiful I just" he said blushing

"well at least it was with someone you love" I patted his back before standing up and walking up stairs to bed.

*next morning*

Katie's pov

I walked into the boys flat to find it empty. I set my keys down on the table along with my bag.

"hello?" I yelled

"hi Kate" Liam said walking into the room hugging me.

"where are the other boys?" I asked hugging him back before pulling away.

" ah there out somewhere probably with some friends they had coming into town."

"so that means its just you and me?" I asked smiling

"yup" he said smiling back

"you know what that means?" I said

"what?" he said amused

"BROTHER SISTER DAY!" I yelled jumping on his sister days are the best we always act like little kids.

"haha yes brother sister day" he laughed running around.

"Liam I'm slipping!" I said as I fell of his back laughing.he turned around and started laughing at me a hand.

"so why do you want to do?" he asked.

"we could go to the park or the movies?" I asked he smiled

"wanna go play on the swings?" he said I nodded quickly putting on my converse.we ran to the park like little kids jumping on the swings, mothers staring at us because after all we are really nineteen but we really didn't care.

"hey Liam I bet you can swing higher than me!" I said sticking my tongue out at him. He growled slightly before swinging his legs more trying to get higher.I laughed at him because he looked ridiculous. Sadly I lost that time but I know I'll get him back. We were running around playing tag until we heard a noise. A sound that was all to familiar....the icecream truck!

"ICE CREAM!" We screamed running. We finally got there out of breath.

We got our icecream I stopped and laughed thinking about how the day is going so far.

"What?" He asked

"We're such children. Like we literally screamed out ice cream and then ran to get some. What kind of nineteen year old does that?" I asked laughing

"Hey! I like my ice cream okay? It's delicious!" He said getting icecream all of his face while talking.

"Yeah I can tell! By the way you got a little something...everywhere!" I said he stared at me dumbly for a second

"Liam you have icecream all over your face" slapping a hand to my face at his stupidness

"Ohhhh" he said wiping it off with a napkin.

"Gees and I thought Niall was the blonde one" I said walking away he laughed and followed along.

We reached home alittle after that fun adventure. We sat down Being lazy on the sofa.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked getting up. He nodded as I grabbed the lion king (my favorite) popping it in.i sat down next to him cuddling him. Halfway through the movie I heard a noise. Startled I looked down quickly seeing Liam asleep on me snoring away!

I smiled turning off the tv, getting into a more comfortable position before slowly falling asleep aswell.

I woke up to being picked up by someone.

"Huh?" I said sleepily looking up seeing the boy I loved most.

"Shhh princess go back to sleep" he said carrying me upstairs. I smiled sleepily cuddling back into his warm embrace.


OH MY GOD! I haven't posted in forever!! I'm so sorry this is really short I've been having really bad writers block so if you have any ideas for the next chapter please PLEASE! Message me!

If you liked it please



~ UnicornLover

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