Wicked Justice

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Hitoshi Shinsou had been scheming and exacting his revenge on Midoriya for weeks now, with it finally coming to fruition. It was his turn to show that ungrateful golden boy up. Granted he knew of the boy's amnesia, he was still infuriated with Midoriya's quirk and how he was treated differently all because of his 'villainous quirk'. And said broccoli boy had used that to his advantage last time, using his friends to gang up on him. It was more believable to blame Hitoshi and his evil brainwash quirk, than the pure cinnamon roll. However, Shinsou now saw through the boy's sweet façade and to the demon that laid underneath. So in the hopes of revealing Midoriya's wicked side, Shinsou waited for victims to fall into his trap.

This is NOT working! Hitoshi screamed to himself as he watched his antagonizingly  thought out plan crumble to dust at Midoriya's entrance.

"Hey guys!" The now cauliflower boy waved to his friends.

Izuku elegantly walked over the invisible string that lay across the doorway. Which was Hitoshi's first mistake. The string would have triggered a chain reaction ending in the boy tripping on the floor and a flying projectile launched at the back of Bakugou's head. However, the whole situation was completely avoided.

Next Shinsou had painted on all of class 1A's face only leaving Midoriya's blank and spots of paint on his hands.

The boy had caught on immediately to Hitoshi's schemes and decided to have a little fun with the purple brainwasher as well.

Izuku woke up normally and walked down to the main room where everyone was freaking out. Though upon Midoriya's entrance the noise completely stopped.

"Midoriya, what is the meaning of this?" Ida asked, chopping his arms shocked at his friend.

"Yeah, what the fuck Deku?" Bakugou agreed.

"I'm sorry guys, but I don't know what you're talking about." Izuku replied, tilting his head in confusion.

"We're talkinig about the FUCKING PAINT ON OUR FACES!" Bakugou yelled, pointing to the 'art'.

"Yeah and you have paint on your hands." Tsu pointed out, causing the boy to look down.

"Plus your face isn't painted on so..." Denki drawled, circling his finger in the air as if connecting the dots.

"That may be true, but we shouldn't jump to conclusions. Midoriya, did you do this?" Momo questioned trying to bring democracy back to the anarchy of their class and quelling the potential riot that would have ensued.

"All I remember last night was hanging out with Shinsou. He walked me to the dorms before I went to bed. That's it." Izuku explained tears already beginning to well in the boy's sparkling eyes

"Wait, you said Shinsou came here last night?" Todoroki budded in, catching the clues Midoriya was supplying.

Izuku nodded his head in return, still trying to stifle his growing tears. They weren't hard to fake as the boy was a bit of a crybaby, though at the moment it was working in his favor.

"Wait, do you think Shinsou painted our faces and blamed it on Midoriya?" Denki wondered, only getting a slap in the face.

"Enough of your stupid remarks! This isn't a convoluted mystery like in those comics you read!" Jirou exclaimed, annoyed at the blonde.

"I thought it was a pretty good theory," Denki whined.

"It's more likely that Shinsou brainwashed Midoriya into doing the prank for him." Todoroki stated as if it was the only logical explanation.

Granted it wasn't, though it didn't matter to Izuku as either way the blame was pinned right back on Shinsou. And rightfully so as he was the one to pull the prank, though now he would learn to never cross Midoriya again. As well as the impossibility of trying to out-think the most analytical student in UA. A mistake that Hitoshi learned rather quickly.

Shinsou vowed to never cross the sinister boy again. Midoriya held all the cards and Hitoshi didn't want to get between the monster and his games. But whatever, the other students would find out about Midoriya's villainous side somehow or other, and by then it would have been too late. Especially as he wasn't willing to help out his peers that had been so quick to turn their backs on him. No, they would find out the hard way, and Shinsou only wished to stay out of the mess. His involvement with the cinnamon roll was gone now. He wanted to stay as far away as possible from the manipulative boy.

The wicked world truly just hated him. As justice was unfairly enacted.

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