Chapter One

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"Katie! Wake your lazy ass up, it's time for school" Yelled my favorite cousin and best friend Skyler. I rolled over and threw a pillow at her, knocking her off my bed.

"Bitch that was incredibly rude, at least I didn't threaten to pour water on you" We both ended up laughing at that comment.

"I can't believe your dad once did that, he seems way too nice for that" I stated, thinking about how kind uncle Eric is.

"I know! He's become such a softie since getting with dad" She laughed while sitting back on my bed. It's so true, uncle Kyle is a lot more spunky than uncle Eric.

"Okay this was really fun but your mother will kill us both if we are late again" She explained before standing up off my bed. I groaned before taking off my very comfortable blanket and going to get dressed. I decided to wear my black plaid skirt with a purple BTS symbol shirt.

"Damn Katie you looking hella hot in that" Skyler said eyeing me from head to toe. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Turn down your bisexual ass, I'm already taken" I sassed before grabbing my bag and leaving my room.

"Can't a girl compliment her hot ass cousin anymore?" She questioned. I ignored her and walked into the kitchen to see my mom's.

"Morning moms sorry we are so late, Skyler is a terrible alarm" I kissed both my mother's cheeks.

"That's such a load of bull, you were the lazy one" Skyler yelled before covering her mouth.

"Skyler! How would your father feel about that language?" My mother scolded her. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Sorry auntie Brianna, please don't tell dad about this" Skyler mustered up her best puppy eyes. I laughed before stuffing my face with toast.

"I won't tell them anything as long as it never happens again. Now eat your breakfast and hurry to school" Mom told her before walking over to me.

"I want you to have a good day today and stay out of trouble," She told me while giving me my lunch.

"I promise mom, I'll also keep Skyler out of trouble" I reassured her. She smiled and then gave me a hug.

"I love you mom" I hugged her back before going over to my other mom and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Skyler let's go, we only have twenty minutes until class," I told her before grabbing my keys and running to my car. Skyler followed me and we left towards the school.

"Have you heard from Wyatt today? He normally messages us by now" I asked her while stopping at a stoplight.

"He told me yesterday that he has some big news but wouldn't tell me until today" She replied. I wonder what it could be this time. Maybe another celebrity being confirmed gay?

"I can't wait to see Mason, he was busy all weekend and missed our Sunday chats" I stated while turning into the school. I parked my car into my given spot and quickly went to our lockers, waiting there was Wyatt and Scarlett.

"Hey, hoes how was yall's weekend?" Wyatt asked once we arrived at our lockers.

"Boring, Mason was busy so I needed to hang out with this crazy bitch" I pointed towards Skyler. She gasped.

"Girl shut up, you love me" She wrapped her arms around my neck. I shrugged her off.

"Well my weekend was fun, I went to the mall and ran into this super cute guy," Scarlett said while showing us a photo of him. I looked over at Skyler who seemed to become sad once she heard the news.

"Omg, that's the new guy I heard about. That was the news that I told you about Skyler" Wyatt said. I nodded while grabbing my textbooks.

"Omg is this true? The cute boy is the new student. We should invite him into our group" Scarlett yelled with excitement.

"Yeah he can be a cool addition, I'm going to head out for class now," Skyler said before basically running away. I closed my locker and turn towards the two.

"I'll see you guys later, I'm going to catch up with Skyler" They nodded and I left to catch up to her. I hope this news doesn't completely crush her. I quickly found her sitting on a bench near her classroom.

"Are you okay darling?" I asked her while sitting next to her. She looked up at me.

"Would you be okay with your crush liking someone else?" She asked me. I saw tears in the corner of her eyes.

"You have a point but sweety we've always known that Scarlett is hella straight. This was bound to happen" I stated while placing my hand on her shoulder.

"I know that but I still had hope. I've liked her since freshman year and now I lost her to this boy we know nothing about. How is this fair?" She ranted. I smiled sadly at her.

"He's probably a good guy, Scarlett is a really good judge of character and we'll meet him at lunch so you can see for yourself" I tried cheering her up.

"You're right, it just hurts you know? Pining over her for three years and now I'm losing her to some 'Adorable' guy I haven't even met. I'm definitely in need of a girl's night tonight" She explained. I nodded my head in understanding.

"You can come over tonight and we can marathon the Good place season three" I offered while smiling. She smiled brightly showing her excitement.

"That sounds perfect, now let's get to class" She jumped off the bench, hugged me, and then we parted ways. I chuckled before walking into my first class. Sometimes that girl is a handful.

Hello everyone! Yes, you have read this correctly, this is indeed the sequel to My Best Friend Crush. This story will follow the life of Katie Dempsey and the feelings that accompany a typical teenage girl in her senior year. I hope you all are as excited about this story as I am. It was a blast writing it and I do feel like it was the perfect end to the original story which ended in quite the mystery. I'm so happy to be sharing this with all of you on the anniversary of the first book. I hope you all enjoy it.


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