Silent Thunder, Ebony Lightening

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   Of course, the Inquisitor accepted taking on my case allmost imediatly. After the tiering 5 minuet walk to the top of the tower, I was standing outside the large double doors that lead to yet another court room. The four guards sent to 'escort' me to the high room formed a square around me, reminding me of one too many past occasions. 

   As the doors swung inword, I couldn't help but be unimpressed. The room had a higher cealing, and the curtains where drawn back, along with the more decorated walls and the fact that the veiw was better from here, but other than that, there was no 'breath taking' scenery, nor a powerful aura from the man in about his forties sitting at the judges seat. 

   The Inquisitor seemed very young for his age, i would have gessed him to be around 24, but I had come into this room knowing much about the man already. After all, we had met before. He looks up from his papers, noticing my entrance into the room and the thud of the marching guards surrounding me. He takes off his glaces, looking directly at me, with only the slightest hint of shock on his face. 

   "This is the criminal?" He inquiers, as is his job.

   "Yes sir, this is her.." The guard to my left replies. 

   "Very well, very well." He gestures for  me to be seated in the chair in the middle of the room, my back to the rows of seats ,now empty. The Inquisitor removes his glasses, still looking at me in a slightly confused way, but unwilling to disrupt the case with his shock.

   He looks down at his papers after a moment of silence, and says " It says here you are wanted in four countrys, dead in one of them." he glances up for a moment, then back down at his papers," and that you have been accused here in Valrian many times recently, all of wich you avoided punnishment." 

   My unwavering gaze is kept strong as I say  "That is correct, but I wouldn't say 'avoided punnishment ' . It was more like ' ran as fast as i could' ."  My statement was completely ignored.

   " And it also says here..." He shuffles his papers a bit as he says this " that you only have two options."

                                                             < unknown point of veiw >

   " only have two options"

   I watch closely as the Inquisitor says this, noticing how she seemed bored of hearing the same sentence yet again. But I also notice the way the setting sun makes her fiery fed hair seem to glow, and the way her eyes where calm and confident, as if she knew somthing no one else did...

  " I think you already know your charges?" The inquisitor questions.

   " Yes, in all countrys" She replys, her back straight and her voice steady. 

   " Then I assume you wouldn't mind if I read them aloud?" She simply nods, still stareing up at the Inquisitor. With another shuffle of papers that seems very common for court cases, he says " Very well." The light in the room was slowly fadeing as the Inquisitor read all of her charges, starting with those in Valrian, working his way up the slightly long list. The more the light faded, the more dangerous she appeared, her hair framing her face in just the right way to give her a secretive aura, and her confidence radiating off of her more and more the darker it became. 

   Soon enough, it was allmost pitch black,  making it dufficult to see much of anything. Yet, there was still an aura of fear in the room, making all but the Inquisitor shake in their boots. Then, suddenly, there was a thump on the roof as if somthing heavy had fallen on it. The high ceiling would be painful if it fell in, making some of the guards at the door of the room look up in even more fear.

   I quickly look toword the middle of the room, where she was supposed to be sitting. I strain my eyes, searching the dark for the girl who had murdered, stolen, interacted with demonic worlds fobbidden to all, and yet no one knew her name. I found her after a moment, my supirior eyes fading the dark into a mere annoyance. She was looking down slightly, her hands patiently clasped in her lap, with a grin that sent a chill down my back, and an excited feeling in my stomach. She had somthing planned, and it was close to ariving. 

   My own smirk grew until I felt insane with the rush of electric energy. I hadn't felt this way in many years, after all, I hadn't seen much more than petty arguments and paperwork for the past few years. Then she moved.

  I focus my eyes more on her form, being sure not to miss a single movement. She had stood fast enought to make her dress swirle around her for a moment. Than she turned and ran tword the tall , floor length windows at the side of the room. As she neared closer and closer to the windows, she did not appear to be slowing down. In fact, she was speeding up. I quickly cross the room behind the Inquisitor, who is currently just as blind as the guards in the dark. 

   The room was silent ,with neither of our footsteps hear by the mortal ear. I expected it to start dramaticaly raining, starting a storm that would rattle the building with thunder the sound of war drums and lighhtening that would light the scene in bright flashes of electricity.

   Instead, I was shaking with energy, and she was sprinting with a beautiful grace only those running their whole lives could acheive. Then the situation got even more exciting. First, I reached the windows before her, my unnatural speed giving me the unfair advantage. Second, she reached the windows seconds after me, throwing herself foreword and through the windows in an enormous crash of breaking glass. Her dress seemed to glow slightly in the dark setting as she began falling towards the ground, plummiting head first with her arms spread out beside her. 

   The Inquisitor finnaly seemed startled, yelling for the guards to bring in torches. The electricity still running through my veins made me feel like the storm was within me, and the thunder had been the window shattering with its magnificent crash.

                                              < origonal point of veiw >

   I broke through the window running as fast as I could and immediatly felt gravity pulling me down toward the sure death that awaited if I hit the ground. If. 

  As i spread my arms to either side, feeling exhilerated, with my very blood pounding and my hair flying wildy behind me. I felt elegant, powerful, safe even. 

   I kept my eyes closed, not wanting to ruin my perfectly safe feeling of elation. I know I will be saved. I saw them.

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