The Twists and Turns of being Wanted

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        "You are here by charged with theft, murder of athoroties, " I mumble along with the judge, "treason, black market support, avouiding court cases, vandalism of royal property, defiance of athoroties, and Demonology."

       I was finnaly hearing the list of my crimes, in such a simple court room, with its long windows, made usless by the dark purple drapes, and the watching nobles and gloaters, all only here to laugh at my long-awaited arest. The thoughts made my grin widden into a smirk, mostlikely making me seem insane. 

        "Do you accept the punishment of these crimes?"  Every eye was glued to me, trying to influence my response in one way or another, but it was the unnatural eyes I looked to. Those eyes tended to be more blunt, but that could be a good thing when you could be sentenced to death in the next three hours. 

        As expected, I got an imideate response. In the form of aggression. I felt my minds 'sheid' being pressed with a sharp stab that would have turned any other mortal mind to a shorted out mess. It didn't get so much as a flinch out off me. To retaliate to the courtious welcome, I push the sheid out, feeling the bubble expand, allowing me to not only give the offenders a 'Hello' in response, but to see the physical reactions also.

        A few of the nobles to my left flinch. Oops. But i also notice a shadow shifting in the corner... not in a harmed way, more of a ... shocked way... The nobles where obviously responsible for the mental attack, the way they flinched and imediatly backed down said as much, but the shadow... would requier further investigation.

        Noticing the tension in the candle lit room, I say " Well now, why do I only get two options? Can't there be a third."  I blink innocently, probably insulting them with the pretence.

        On the outside, I was the inpersonation of the mad hatter, with my sly grin that spoke of relaxed confidence, and my knee lenght ,white and purple dress went perfectly with my black and white stripped stockings, but on the inside I throw down the 'sheid' just long enough to startle the nobles and create a link of communication with the unknown entitie in the shadow.

        At first, the thought thrown at the shadow startled it. It was obvious when it filleld my mind with a choking sensation that felt like a cut-off air supply. I felt a panic ,formerly unknown to me, a panic of being mentaly defeated, murdered in a most gruesome way, leaving my body open to possesion. 

        I was allways the stronger in mental cases, the quicker in physical cases, and the winner in long term survival. But this I was clearly loseing, and it scared me. It made my mind wildly race, yet my life was not flashing before my eyes, my poor, miserable life. I still refuse to regret anything I did, because I did it for a reson, and that reson, no matter how forgotten it might be, will allways bring me away from guilt and more tword the dark paths I had been traveling for so long, confident in my ability that was now being crushed as if I where just another gnat waiting to be swatted for coming to close to the fruit bowl.

        Something in my blind panic must have struck a nerve, because the shadow slowly retreated to the edge of my concisnce, leaving me gasping for air in the mental landscape that allways seemed to consist of no more than shifting mountains and rivers and oceans. My heart eventually slowed, and my mind settled slightly. I then cautiously turned to the shadow, wanting to see what form of creature, mortal or not, had been able to retaliate in such a way, even before any solid sign of aggression on my part. 

        The simplest description of what I see is shocking. 

        The most complex was in high elven.

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