What a nice little run it |chapter 3

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Wilburs POV

We spent a couple of years out there I was now 14 and Tommy 8 he was so smart even though he never went to school I always taught him what I know but we were both hungry and needed food tommy was starving so I left to find food he insisted on coming but he couldn't it was to dangerous. I quickly ran off to found food, the bakery had a fresh loaf of fresh bread cooling on the window seal they always had thrown out old bread that we took but today was Sunday and they had none because it was only 8:30 am and they throw out the bread at 5:30 pm, I thought about stealing the bread but I couldn't bring myself to it the baker was nice and always made sure the old bread was covered and protected from maggots and mould. He started doing that when she saw us taking a loaf of bread covered in maggots, He pitied us because we were young. I went back to Tommy with no food but he didn't say anything and simply smiled a weak smile. Guilt washed over me when Tommy asked when we would eat again, I promised soon, it was last Sunday when we ate and Our stomachs rumbled. To pass the time we went to the forest to play, we hoped to not run into anyone as we looked homeless and tommy didn't need more people to judge him. We heard a noise and decided to run away suddenly we bump into someone. I started apologising quickly pardoning my brother as well. When I looked up I realised the person we bumped into was king Philza!
"Hey kid, it's fine just be careful"
" thank you, sir. Come on tommy let's go" I waved a week goodbye and ran off with Tommy
"BYE SIR HAVE A GOOD DAY!" called tommy excitedly and ran faster.

Philza's POV

I had a stressful day so after my meeting I decided to go for a walk. I took my time walking and went to the forest, there I heard two children giggling and playing chasey (tag) it made me smile and reminds me about techno before he left to become a soldier. I snapped out of my daydream when I was hit in my stomach. I looked down to see a tall skinny boy on the ground he quickly apologised For him and his brother, he looked at me a realised who I was I told the Child that it was fine and that he should be careful, he nodded in agreement and ran off with his brother who called out to me saying "BYE SIR HAVE A GOOD DAY!" I laughed at the kid's excitement and he'd asked the brunette a question "Wilby who was that?" And I heard the older laugh "oh tommy I'll tell you at dinner, what to go get dinner with me"

"YES! YES!" And everything was quiet. I liked the kids and decided to ask them there names and parents names because they had good manners. I ran after the children and called out "WAIT" the boys sped up.

Tommy's POV

"Wilby that man is following us"

"I know Toms but we need to keep running"
Than I heard a loud wait behind us, Wilby told me to speed up and we ran out of the forest
Loud foot steps were behind us and so Wilby took a bunch of turns and than we got to our ally. and I hid and Wilby told me not to move. "Hey kids? Why were you running and where are you?"
It was the man in the forest.
"You need to leave king Philza."
"I just want to talk" the king? Replied
"Go on king Philza."
"Well I just wanted to ask your names, and I wanted to know where you parents are I need to tell them something."
The air was tense anyone could feel it
"I'm Wilbur-innit-soot and my brother is Tommy-innit-soot and our parents aren't here right now..." Wilby stated after a long silence

Philzas POV

It was awkward I knew who they were, the kids who went missing from an orphanage their mother died an awful death and one had a broken rib.
"Well Wilbur and Tommy I'm king Philza you probably know me though" I laughed to myself. I heard an alarm and tommy popping out of a box he cheerfully said "Wilby! It's 5:20 we need to go or we'll miss it!"
Wilbur walked over to Tommy grabbed his hand lightly and walked past me saying "It's late king Philza, You should get home the monsters will come soon." I was shocked by the boy knowing about monsters and when they come, he had a point and so I left taking a mental note of this ally when walking home I heard Wilbur talking to someone "Hello Sir"
"Hi Wilbur came for the same bread"
"As always sir, I really appreciate what you do for me and my brother"
"Anytime Wilbur your young and can't get a job" he ruffled Tommy's hair and he gave her a hug. They both said bye and left going back to the ally. I decided to talk to the baker about them and he basically filled me in on the situation and how he wishes they get a good family. After the conversation i got his name it was aweSAMdude and asked when the kids come back to the ally, he had said he had old bread and can only give it to them every second Sunday, meaning they have one week with food and one without. No wonder why they were so skinny, I bid him farewell and returned to my castle. It was hard to sleep that night it was cold and I wondered how the boys survived the cold nights on their own.
Hello guys it's me the author this is my first book and I always love feedback so if there is anything that you can help me with just tell me I really appreciate the help
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