Aren't I allowed friends!

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Tommy's POV

"Hey Boo, It's getting early I need to go home" I explain cracking my backs and knuckles while I stand up.

"Mhh same... uhh bye" Ranboo yawns closing his eyes again. I nod weakly and go down the ladder. I hear a bush rustling but I ignore the sound thinking it's a rabbit or something and continue running home. After I jump into my bed footsteps could be heard and my door opens.

"Tom? Tommy are you up?" Shit that could've been a close call. But lucky for me I've learnt how to fake sleep so I moved around acting like he woke me up. I mumble a few words and sit up slowly, looking at the incomer. "Sorry to wake you, but dad wanted me to tell ya that someones coming." Techno said grabbing out some clothes and placing them on my bed, "Why do ya smell like fire?" Fuck! I shrug and stand up getting the clothes and going to a bath rooms.

I walk out and Techno is sitting on my bed. "Phil wanted you to wear this today, please come to the dinning room after." He hands me a crown with red jewels and leaves my room, still can't believe they expect me to wear the crown. I set the crown on my nightstand next to a book and walk outside my room, I took a few turns and found the room I was looking for. Wilbur was wearing a yellow sweater and a black trench coat on top of it, he has some armour on his shoulders with a bandage on his cheek and a crown with yellow gems laying beautifully on his head. His pants were black jeans with a small rip above his foot and more armour on his knees.

Philza had a green shirt on with a heart in the middle, He also had a dark green coat on and had a black cape which had the kingdoms logo embroidered on. He too had a crown but instead of yellow he has green gems.

Technoblade has a white shirt with a  red cape said cape has white ruffled  and a two gold chains connecting the cape. He also has a crown but with pale pink gems. Pants are faded black with knee high boots also black.

Philza looks at me and then whispers to Wilbur who leaves the room. "Tommy I'm happy you could join us. This is Eret, Niki and Ranboo, all three are from the pride kingdom. They'll be staying with us for a couple of weeks." I throw my head up when I heard "Ranboo" The tall boy from the forest, the prince was in the dinning room. I slow my movements down so it looks like we just met and I wave slowly giving him a sneaky grin. The tall boy grind back while waving, to our surprise no one notice our small grins.

"We'll, I'm really sorry but we only thought that Eret and Nikki were coming for Ranboo might need to share a room with someone" Phil admits rather embarrassed. After raising my hand the adults let us go to my room to unpack Boo's things.

We quickly close the door and hug each other tightly. "You smell like fire" he snickers holding his nose. A lightly punch him and we unpack his belongings.

"I'm happy we won't have to sneak out anymore" Ranboo sighs happily, I smile and then start laughing.

"We are totally sneaking out again! That's what fun is." Boo,s face drops and he looks at me

"And disobey Nikki! If we,re caught they'll never leave us alone again!" I cringe at the thought of a baby sitter and start laughing. Boo is soon to join and our room is filled with laughter, we both start panting for air.

After and hour of constant chatting we hear a knock at the door. "Uhm hi. I'm uhh Toby but you can call me Tubbo." A small boy mutters nervously "the uhm uh kings wanted me to eh uhhh make sure you boys don't get into uh trouble." The boy sighs and takes a deep breath in "So basically they want me to make sure you Guys don't break anything"
Me and Ranboo both look at each other and burst out laughing. This short little goat boy was so nervous we probably frighted him.

When I stop laughing I'm filled with guilt for laughing at this poor boy, I pat the bed indicating the brunette can sit down and we include him into our story's.
Dreams POV
I run into our kings cabin and tell him everything, Shlatt went from surprise to disappointment.

"Didn't I teach him that friends get him caught. Lucky for us the fucker has something we can use for blackmail." He stampers a small laugh then looks at me dead in the eyes. "Watch him, if he makes more friends report back to me, the more bargaining chips the better."

And that's how I got here, babysitter three teenagers who are talking about bees and flowers.
"NO! The best bee is the worker!" A brunette cries

"Uh no! What are you on?! The best is the king!" My blond target yells

"There isn't even such thing as a king bee! And the best bee by far is the queen!!" A rather tall boy exclaims

"WHAT NO! She doesn't do nothing! She just sits on her fat ass all day!" The blond complains!

"YEAH! She doesn't even collect pollen flo- hey what's everyone's favourite flower?" The brunette asks. The rest was a blur as I zone out from boredom, can't these kids talk about anything more interesting than bees and flowers?! I Mean I trained one to kill people!
I'm going back to Shlatt maybe by the time I'll be back here the kids will be asleep and I can go to bed as well. Gosh being me is so hard, when will I get a fucking break?

 Gosh being me is so hard, when will I get a fucking break?————————-

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What I based Wilbur, Philza and technoblade off of

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What I based Wilbur, Philza and technoblade off of

Hello Friends sorry for the inconsistency of my posting. I've been having a writers block and I couldn't think of anything. You see I know how the story will end just I have nothing for the in between. If you have any idea on what to add tell me.
Would anyone like a chapter dedicated to techno?
Words 1000

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