Tubbo and the burning village

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Tubbo's POV
(This is the past tubbo is 5 and so is Tommy, Lani is three)



"LANI! Wheres mum"

"Me don't know look for yourself!" I heard Lani yell and I looked around. "Lani!?"
No reply
I ran over to where I heard Lani yell and saw a man with a sword to my sisters throat.

"T-Tubbo" Lani cried

"Hello. If you look out your window you'll see that your village is on fire." The guy grinned meanly "this village will be no more. It started with your family and the houses being burnt, now it will end with your dearest sister next I'm going to kill you

"Tubbo!" Lani sobbed

"HEY! YOU LEAVE THEM ALONE!" I saw a blood boy run in
"SIR you need to leave"

"Wow look who it is, a little boy trying to help some strangers. OUCH!" A pink haired man runs up and tackles the offender to the ground
"Cmon friend we need to go!"

"My sister! I cried

"It will be fine that pink haired dude will help. Anywho I'm Tommy I called that pink haired dude to help!" The blond boy said proudly, we walked off

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present time

George's POV

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"Hello SapNap"

"Hello George what do you need.

"The boy that made the old war start... He's friends with philza."

"what are you implying..."

"He cost us both, thousands. SapNap I'm implying we make Philza regret fucking with us"

"Before you go on George... Are you sure It's that little bitch?"

"Positive, same attitude looks and everything"

"Okay... I'll do it"

________ _________ _________ ____

Tommy's POV

"Y'know, that brown haired dude and dirty blond one?"

"Yeah you mean the two you embarrassed us in front of!" Phil said annoyed

"Yuppers! I know them, I seen them before I just can't remember when"

"wanna know something your gonna wanna remember" Phil was mad and the everyone knew it.

"what." The others looked at me intently 'fucking hell Phil is furious!'

"Your grounded"

"Phil mahh friends... Nice joke" I started whispering a Wilbur "Wilbur we should definitely go before i fuck up even more" Wilbur smiled like a crazy person and whispered something horrifying

" Shouldn't of bite me. Hey Phil I think that's a great idea" I saw Wil grinning at the pink haired boy who caught on

"Yup you know kids never learn unless they get punished" I glared at the older people NO! traitors

"Wow" was all I could say. than i thought of a perfect comeback  "cant do that Phil, sorry mate but i have an ally to get back to. Oh and also Sam need help still" I smiled nicely proud of myself but that smiled dropped in a minute

"I could take over at Sam's while your gone" Wilbur that traitor piped up

"I could set up a spare room." Pinkey that fucking bitch cut in. Phil smiled but not a good one... It was an evil smile when parents know their right

"I need to uhm... water my plants"

"We don't have plants Tommy" That's it, this fucker is going to get it. I lung a him, not stopping until Phil pulled me off

"Tommy! Say sorry to your brother right now!" Wilbur the sick fuck was fake crying.

"But i'm not sorry, That bitch deserved it" I knew I was digging myself deeper. That's what Wilbur wanted

"Tommy, Apologise... Now" Phil was getting madder and not going to lie, I love going outside

"Sorry Wilbur" Wilbur looked a me smiling, He knew he won"

_____ _______ ________ _______

A couple days later. At a Meeting

Phil's POV

"Philllllllll, Is my punishment done. Please I need fresh air" Tommy sulked on the floor

"Tommy this is a important meeting, And you know why your here stop speaking" originally I let Tommy roam around the castle, but I soon realised I couldn't leave Tommy unsupervised, after the third time Tommy tried to escape being grounded so now he has to follow me everywhere.

"continue Eret" Eret spoke about some minor stuff and so did George. When the meeting finished me and Eret had one last thing to talk about and George offered to carry Tommy to the bed, I thanked George and he scooped up Tommy and carried him to his room.

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no ones POV

George had gotten lost and asked a guard for directions  to Tommy's room. You maybe thinking that George hated Tommy, But this was all part of his secret plan. George placed Tommy on his bed and left Tommy to sleep, He walked back to the meeting room and him and the other kings had some general conversations.

"Now that Tommy is asleep anyone want to go to the town?"

"Why not, I have time"

"Sure why not" they all went to the town and decided to go to Sam's Bakery for lunch.

"So Phil, Have you adopted Tommy?" Eret asked confused on why Tommy was at the castle?

"No I grounded him for misbehaving When George came over last week".

________ _________ ___________

Tommy's POV

I woke up refreshed and full of energy, But remembered that Phil wouldn't let him out side. It was worth a small shot even though it would only prolong his punishment from a month to at least another month. I walked out of my room and asked my favorite guard, "Callahan? Where is Philza?"

"He went to the town" (IK Callahan doesn't speak but in this he does.)

"Okay, Bye Bye Callahan" I skipped off I went to the castle door and was about to step out when I heard

"I wouldn't do that Tommy..."

"Techno. MAH FRIEND! don't be a snitch"

"How much will you pay?"

"I have no money but I work a bakery, Techno? Do you like muffins"


"any you pick"


"You've got yourself a deal, techno mah friend..."

"Right cya later child" I was going to complain but I decided against it. I maybe eight but i'm not dumb


1000 Words

Hey look it's your author, Had a shit day at school and decided to treat everyone with a big chapter. Thank you Bo Burnham for being my only fucking friend when writing

That's me

signing off


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