four | secrets

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters


Marlene burst through the door to Lily's commonroom mere moments after she did.

"Lily-" She began, before being cut off.
"I can't believe Mary! I will never forgive her, she has just ruined everything." Lily shouted.

Marlene, looking into Lilys emerald eyes, began thinking of what to say.

"James though?" She said, concerned.

"I don't know, Marley. I- There was a spark betweem us earlier this morning, and, I've just seen him in a different light for the past week." Lily sounded like she had finished, but continued, "I think I will just forget about him, nothing will ever happen anyways."

After her rant, Lily breathed in and twiddled her thumbs.

"What about you and Black?" She questioned. Marlene was in thought for a second, before simply saying:

"It was a one time thing, I hate him remember!"



The Marauders were the only ones left at the table in the Great Hall.

"Look at that, Prongsie! Lily does like you! And you two can get married and I, will be the best man." Sirius said, resting his chin on his chin.

James looked meditative for a moment, then snapped out of it.

"No. She said herself, we are just friends." James said, trying to convince himself, "It's not like she was gonna pick, Moony or Wormy."

Remus coughed slightly, followed by James:

"No offence, I mean, uh-"

"I'm joking, I know what you mean." Remus answered.

"I'm not!" Peter said, jokingly sulking.
Sirius ruffled his hair and pushed him slighyly, making both the boys erupt with laughter.

James zoned out the laughing and talking and thought about what just happened.

Lily did say she would kiss James.


"What about you and Marlene, then?" Remus asked Sirius. Sirius blushed, which was very rare for him, he clearly liked Marlene a lot.

"Uh- Um, Well. It was a one time thing, I know she hates me." He looked suspicious, like he was lying but James knew when Sirius had a real problem, he would tell James.

After breakfast, James had a free half hour before first class, which was potions. He headed back up to the common room, Sirius not far behind him.

He entered the room to see Lily and Marlene sat on the couch, laughing and talking. It became awkwardly silent when they appeared.

"I- I'm actually going to head out now, Lils, I need to get ready for my first class!" Before leaving, Marlene winked at Sirius, but Lily and James didn't notice that.

"Y-Yeah, I need to go to if you don't mind, Prongs." Sirius said, sounding awkward.

James was slightly confused, but went along with it.

Once Sirius left, James looked at Lily.
"So, you'd pick me, huh?" He said, trying to br his usual charming self.

"I-It's just because I wasn't going to pick Remus or Peter o-or..." She trailed off.

"That's exactly what I said!" He exclaimed, laughing.

Lily chuckled, they were no longer uncomfortable, and began talking as if nothing had happened.

"What class do you have now?" Lily questioned, "I have potions, then Defence Against The Dark Arts."

James nodded, "So do I."


It was the next day and Lily had practically forgotten why it was awkward between James and her.
She was really glad, as their friendship was going well.

"Hey, Evans." James said, inturrupting her thoughts. They were both sat on the floor of the common room, doing homework.


"What is the potion made of Alihotsy?"
He asked her, genuinely.

"Alihotsy Drought." She said, simply.

He nodded thanks and continued writing.

Lily was surprised at James for doing work, which sounded mean, but he didn't seem like the type.

In previois years, James was mischievous, a prankster. He was selfish and ignorant.

However, this year, he had matured a ton, he was much kinder and he hadn't constantly asked Lily out, pointlessly, at all this year.

Lily began staring at James, the way his brow arched while he thought about his work. He occasionally swooshed his hair back out of his eyes, with large hands.

Lily didn't even realise she was staring, until he looked up and smirked, amusement in his hazel eyes.

"Whatcha looking at, Evans?"

Lily almost jumped out of her skin,
"I- I- Ah- Uh-, I was not looking at you, I was thinking, a-about this homework."

All James did was chuckle.

"You can stare at me, I am just heart-stoppingly handsome."
Lily blushed,

"I said, I wasn't!" She exclaimed.


Lily was laying in bed that night, eyes wide open. She didn't want to admit it, but, she was thinking about James.

How did she let herself stare like that?
Her thoughts were inturrupted by a loud crash down in the common room.

She leaped out of her bed and ran down stairs, she heard James do the same.

She turned the light on to see the window open, glass shards everywhere.

"Evans? What happened?" James said, he stood, shirtless, his toned chest had Lily blush slightly.

"I've just come down, same as you, Potter."

They both didn't know what to do.
"Reparo." Lily murmured, pointing her wand at the empty window frame.

"We should tell someone tomorrow morning." James said, rubbing his eyes, he didn't have his glasses on.

"Get some sleep." He said. "G'night, Lily."

Lily headed back up stairs and the onlu thing that echoed in her mind was James' "G'night Lily."

He used her first name for the first time in years, which she respected.


Yo, Hattie here! Thanks for reading the fourth part of my story. As usual, comment any mistakes or ideas you have for the story.
Hope you enjoyed the Jily in this chap and I am hoping for some Blackinnon next time. Goodbye!

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