Chapter III.

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Chapter III.
Friend or Foe?

The second school was over, Saiki immediately made his way out, ignoring the calls of his 'friends'. He was about to conduct and experiment.

The subject: Yoshihiko Kazuya.
The conundrum: His powers.
Theory: Yoshihiko is an anti-power receptable.
Reason: Unknown

    As soon as he was out of the building, he charged forth towards the front gate, taking slow steps towards the road. Immediately, he felt his powers surge back into him. His body felt normal again, weirdly so. 'Now, the second part.'

Crossing his eyes, he used his clairvoyance to find the coordinates of Kazuya. It didn't take long for him to find him. The transfer student was still at his desk, trying to finish packing up while entertaining the few girls that surrounded his desk. He quickly made his way back into the school and to his classroom, feeling his powers slowly disappear the closer he gets near to Yoshihiko.

    And the second he was back in the class, his powers were gone.

Feeling another presence enter the room, Kazuya looked away from the girls who fawned over his looks and toward the door. His sparkling amber eyes met with dull magenta ones that bore into his soul.

His eyebrows furrowed at him, deciding to avert them. He stood up from his seat, hooking his bag onto his shoulder as he bid the girls a farewell, walking away from them despite their whines and pouts.

A sigh escaped him from exhaustion. He was used to people surrounding him and being overly touchy as well, but that didn't stop him from feeling utterly uncomfortable. Unlike most people who were 'popular', he really did not enjoy being surrounded, however, he didn't have the heart to tell them off or show them his distaste. He was raised to be kind to everyone, his environment forced upon morals and manners, and any show of anything other than absolute perfection would lead to punishment.

And Kazuya, being the obedient and sweet boy he was, followed. His home was filled with serene and smiles, an enchanting sight to see these days. He had an older sister named Kaguya who went to a boarding school, but it's been long since he's seen her. His mother was a desecndant of a noble family from Russia and his father was the CEO for a conglomerate group, making him an heir. Despite being incredibly privileged, he was taught to be humble and have humility. His family was impressive in the eyes of many.

One might wonder why someone of his status would be attening an ordinary public school like PK High. Well, to answer your question. Kazuya wanted to live an average life. He had been homeschooled before this and was far ahead of most of the students in their studies here, but growing up watching teen dramas with his mother made him long to be in that kind of environment. He was lonely studying alone, despite having several private tutors. They were always older than him ― the generation gap making it difficult for either parties to understand their dilemmas. He was new to the concept of friends, romance and adolescence. His expectations of high school were exceeded the minute he stepped into the school. He always longed to put his shoes in his own cupboard, to walk along the halls with his friends and talk about their days, to laugh while eating from their bento boxes, and to learn at the same pace of his classmates―

    Oh, and the second reason was because he needed to have connections with the son of Saiko Group, Saiko Metori.

Speaking of Saiko Metori, the boy hadn't seen him throughout the day. He heard the boy attended this school ― which was a big surprise to him because before this, Saiko would rather fast from caviar than hang around 'plebes' ― and with the help of his father, he too, registered himself here. He and Saiko weren't the closest of friends, but they weren't strangers either. Their fathers were business partners and ultimately made each other play-partners during their childhood, though, Kazuya has a faint memory of it.

    He does remember being called a 'plebe' by him when they first met though.

Of course, he would ike to reunite with his former playdate, but after hearing about him through his classmates' experiences, he wasn't sure anymore.

As he passed by the toilet, he could hear faint voices and the sound of paper flying. Curiously, he peaked into the toilet through the crack in the ajar door, unaware of the magenta eyes watching a few feet away from him.

    His eyes widened however, at the sight of a plum haired student standing over a couple of unconcious bodies, his fist dripping with blood. A gasp fell from his lips as he tripped over his foot, causing the door to slam shut and him falling onto his behind with shaky breaths.

The door slammed open, revealing the plum haired boy once again in hs full form. He was slightly disheveled, the left pane of his glasses had a blatant crack. His lip was busted as well and his right cheekbone had a bruise that grew darker by the second. As he stared down at Kazuya, his glasses shined white. An intimidating aura emitted from the student, making the fallen boy hitch his breath.

    That was, until a sheepish smile grew onto the student's busted lips. Kazuya's eyes rolled into the back of his head as his conciousness slipped away. That smile ― which looked like it came straightout of a horror movie ― plus the blood that dripped from Aren's knuckles onto Kazuya's face may have caused him to faint.

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(REWRITING) 𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐎𝐘 | saiki kusuo  x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now