Chapter VII.

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Chapter VII.
( ⚠️: sexual harassment ! )

The back door slowly slid open, revealing two students peeking into the room. Luckily, it was a self-study session. Saiki and Kazuya quickly slipped in, ignoring the burning gazes belonging to Teruhashi when her eyes landed on their intertwined hands.  Somehow along the way, Kazuya had held Saiki's hand when they ran up the stairs. Unintentionally, of course.

Kazuya smiled sheepishly to his seatmate, pulling out his books from his bag to begin studying. His eyes went over the passages, memorizing every formula he could read and writing them onto his notebook. His eyes drifted towards the psychic, eyes widening when they locked with his magenta ones. A blush dusted over his cheeks from his intense eye contact, prompting him to look away iwth a squeak.

Saiki's lips pulled into a small smirk, also going back to his own work.

Teruhashi ― who has been watching the ordeal from her seat since they entered ― narrowed her eyes at their suspicious behaviour. Her hand reached in to her pocket, lightly tapping on it before turning her attention to the Kokomins surrounding her table and slipping her phone back into her pocket.

The day went smoothly till lunch, when Teruhashi walked up to Kazuya again. Her aura was much more intimidating than before, sending a chill up his spine when their eyes met.


Kazuya tilted his head, his big doe eyes staring back at Teruhashi's crescent ones.

    "There's a boy I want you to meet. I think you guys will be great friends." She smiled kindly, taking ahold of the smaller boy's hands. "Let's go?"

Kazuya glanced towards Saiki ― who sat not too far from him ― with knitted brows, as if asking if it was okay to trust her. Saiki merely glared at the girl, knowing very well that anything involving the blue haired beauty was nothing good. Sighing at his friend, Kazuya turned back to Teruhashi, nodding reluctantly.

    Teruhashi's smile widened, pulling the boy out of his seat and out the door. Whispers erupted at her abrupt action ― mainly Kokomins crying in jealousy ― spreading out to let Teruhashi through. Though she was grinning n the outside, she was smirking on the inside. 'I'm not against homosexuals or anything, after all, I'm the perfect angel who loves everyone and supports their interests. However, I'm not going to let a nobody like you take away Saiki and make him gasp like a bratty puppy!' She yelled in her head, imagining Saiki in a puppy costume, gasping repeatedly while Yoshihiko held his hand, himself dressed as a devil. Teruhashi on the other hand was dressed as an angel, pleading for Kazuya to stop.

Kazuya glanced at the girl, shrieking when he noticed how terrifying she looked. Her smile was even more upturned, eyes maniacally wide. Now, she was imagining Saiki as a knight, holding herself dear to his chest as they stood over a dead Kazuya―

    "Oh, Komi-chan!"

She was pulled out of her reverie by the call of her name, immediately knowing who it was by the usage of her nickname.


Kitagawa Rise ― the third year student who was her older cousin ― smiled at the sight of the younger female, waving as she and an unfamiliar boy came up to him. Teruhashi stood beside her cousin, feeling him nudge at her side.

    "Is he the guy?" He asked, whispering into her ear. She nodded in response, patting his shoulder. "I have to visit an underclassman of mine. You two get to know each other." She excused herself, quickly taking a turn before her body came in contact with a wall.

(REWRITING) 𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐎𝐘 | saiki kusuo  x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now