Ayush's POV (ii)

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Was it supposed to be a joke or a play of destiny?

All these years, I kept wondering about the day when I would meet my best friend and my reaction on it. But I didn't know that that day would arrive just like that, and I would see Sandhya standing before me with a huge smile.

"Ayush, you remember me?" she asked, and I tried to focus on her face.

I remembered that I had spilt my juice on her earlier, but I was too afraid to get scolded that I didn't pay much attention on her voice.

"Even if you don't remember me, I still remember you. You haven't changed that much, have you?" Sandhya said.

I haven't changed much? What does she know about me anyway? She doesn't know anything that I have gone through, and yet she says that I haven't changed much.

Seeing her old self reflect at me, I narrowed my eyes. It seemed like while I was stuck in that one painful moment from the past, Sandhya had moved on. For a few seconds, I felt a surge of serotonin throughout my body - I finally met my best friend. But that was it.

I knew on seeing Sandhya, I would react in some kind of way; maybe sad or happy, but the only emotion that triumphed was rage. Her carefree expression and jolly attitude poked me, mocking me that I had lost the innocence that she still displayed.

She was unaware of everything, living a happy life with her family and making new friends. I, on the other hand, was still unable to come out of my shell.

One by one, all of the events strung up in my front of my eyes, and I mentally painted a picture where Sandhya was the main reason for all the bad things that had happened to me. I could feel that my logic was flawed, and in no way was she responsible for the crime committed against me, but my mind wanted a solution for my misery.

Even though my culprit was inside the jail, I actually didn't get to extract revenge on him myself. All that pain and anger I felt towards him and my helplessness frustrated me to the core, giving me anxiety and depression for all these years. I lost a big part of my childhood, and yet I couldn't do anything to him.

Therefore, when Sandhya appeared in front of me, she automatically became the person on whom I could direct all of my frustration and rage.

Why? Because I knew no matter how much I hurt her, she would always come back to me. She was stubborn and knew nothing. She was the perfect punching bag that my tattered self needed to feel a little bit of life left inside me. Her face reminded me of the day she had innocently gifted me that Samurai doll, and how on that same day that man had ruined me.

She was a reminder of everything I wanted to forget, and yet, I couldn't even forget her.

"Why don't you mind your business, Sandhya?" Ved told her.

Yes, Ved is the only one who has been by my side. He won't leave me no matter what. He is my voice because I wouldn't be able to speak up for myself ever. I know I am pathetic to depend on him like this, but he is my brother. He is the only one I need.

"Would you please do as Ved says? I don't want to talk to you," I told Sandhya sternly.

"I thought you would be happy to see me. Looks like you are also stuck in the past just like Ved," she mumbled.

At least, I am not stuck alone.

I ignored Sandhya and walked away from her. Ved squeezed my shoulders and told me that Mayank bhaiyya would take care of the bullies. I was happy.

I glanced back at Sandhya, who was staring in the blank space with a pout. Her blank expression confirmed that she was hurt by my reaction. A small smirk spread across my face.

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