Chapter 17. A solution

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Tick tick one. Tick tick two. Tick tick three. Tick tick four. Tick tick four... Tick tick- Wait, did I say tick tick four again? Did I? Fuck, I will need to repeat again.

"Tick tick one, tick tick two, tick four, tick tick five-"

"Bro, you missed the number three," Shree said.

What?! Was I this bad at math?

I took a deep breath and counted again. Shree was busy texting on his phone, maybe chatting with his girlfriend, but he was attentive of his surroundings. I observed his mixed expressions and how he violently typed on his mobile screen. Looked like the couple had a fight.

I pursed my lips and went back to counting as I tried to keep my anger at bay. I couldn't believe I was still pissed off even after five hours. It was past midnight, and while my roommates were half asleep, I wanted to punch something badly. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep thanks to my overthinking mind.

Still, I forced myself on the bed and shut my eyes close. I pulled the duvet over my head and tried to think positive thoughts.

Chill. It is okay, Ved. You are just reacting like this because of your hormones. Nothing new about it. Maybe this feeling will pass. And if it doesn't, you don't need to act like an idiot. Deal with it like a mature person. What does Dad say? Every problem has a solution.

Let's take it step by step. No need to put too much pressure on yourself. It is all okay if you have accidentally - accidentally? Whatever - developed feelings for Sandhya. It happens at your age.

Okay. If it happens at my age, then why her of all girls? I am afraid if I will die like this. There is no way I am telling her I like her. But it is difficult to control my emotions. Give me a solution fast, or I might murder someone today. Maybe I will start with that Priyaank.

You are getting out of track, Ved. Give yourself some time. As your mind, I am doing my best to find a solution, no? Don't you have a little bit of trust on me?

Are you even really doing that? Why do you malfunction whenever you see Sandy Pandy then? Huh, why do you that? Why do you always sing a romantic song at that time?!

That's not my fault. I won't take any responsibility.

How helpful.

"Fuck this shit," I mumbled.

Again, I was back to the square one. No matter how I tried to see a way out of my current biggest problem, I always met with a dead end. And it sometimes felt like I didn't even want a solution. I would get lost in the memories and build up imaginary scenarios based on that.

The thought of Sandhya and me seemed stupid enough, but if I ever told her how I felt, she would wreak havoc on me.

How are you so sure about that, Ved? How can you predict how she will react? If you won't try, then you will surely lose your chance. Don't forget, there is already one competitor who is way ahead of you.

Competitor? Is this a competition? Stop with this nonsense. I shouldn't have come to this trip. It is all Sandy Pandy's fault. If she hadn't gotten late that day, then I wouldn't have had to give her a ride. Fuck, now I am thinking about her again!

"This won't do. I will go insane at this rate. I need some fresh air," I said to myself and threw the duvet off of me.

Shree looked at me questioningly and asked me where I was going. He gave me a thumbs up when I told him about my plan; I zipped up my hoodie before exiting the room. I put my hand on the knob and was about to open it when the door flung open loudly and Nikhil's worried face came into view.

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