That's Mr Jeon to you...

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"SON OF A bitch!" Kim Taehyung had had it. Would this fuckin' day never end? It felt like the woman had bruised his shin right down to the bone. Taehyung leaned over the lush redhead in his grasp and

thrust his head through the window he'd just hauled her out of. Squinting against the sun, he saw the suitcase and purse on the brick patio and accepted it as indisputable proof that Miss Jeon had, indeed, been in the process of escaping. He straightened back into the room, lifting his chest off her back, then slammed the window shut and locked it. "I gotta hand it to you, lady, you are some piece of work." He moved her over a step, shoved her up against the wall, and, inserting his foot between hers, kicked them wide of each other.

Jungkook made a soft choking sound when the officer's hands swept his shoulders and ran down his sides. When his fingers brushed the sides of his chest, however, he went silent and stood very, very still, as if he imagined he'd stop patting his down if he were simply quiet enough. But Taehyung didn't feel particularly sympathetic—he'd run him ragged today and cost him a bundle he couldn't afford. He brought his hands around front and ran them up between his chest to his collarbones, and was wondering how comes the sexy curve turned into a flat board. then whisked them impersonally down the full, thrusting curves of his hips. Skimming his fingers around the elastic waistband of his track pants an instant later, he frisked him from waistband to crotch seam, front and back.

"Oh, don't," he moaned. "Please."

"Relax, Red. All I'm interested in here is concealed weapons." He squatted to run his hands down further to where his pants gave way to bare skin, and then brought them around to run a reverse pattern up the inside of his legs, which were thick, firm, and smoother than premium whiskey. The way it felt, oh how he imagined if it weren't under these circumstances, he would have made art in it. Snapping out of the trance, he immediately removed his hands, "Okay, you're clean. Turn around."

He slowly pivoted to face him. The way his face showed and how he clutched onto his jacket like a horrified innocent high school girl was a nice touch, Taehyung thought cynically. He could almost believe she didn't have a clue why he was here.

"Listen," he said breathlessly, staring up at him with huge doe eyes, "you've made a terrible mistake."

Taehyung laughed without humor. "How many times have I heard that one before? Come on, Sister, let's go grab your stuff. Then you can tell it to the judge in Seoul."

The judge? Jungkook sagged with relief. Oh, thank goodness. If he was transporting him to face the judiciary system, he must be a policeman and not Daehwi. Not that he would ever in a million years mistake the handsome hunk for anything. It was just that, remembering Somi's description and given the man's height and those shoulders, plus the midnight darkness of his hair, he had just sort of automatically assumed...

Of course, it wasn't ideal; that would have been his sister sticking around to turn herself in voluntarily. But at least Jungkook was left to deal with the right side of the law. That was certainly a relief.

"Listen, you've made a mistake," he repeated when he came to a halt out on the patio. He gripped his

wrist with one hard-fingered hand and squatted to scoop the contents of Somi's purse back into the

handbag with his other. "You have the wrong person. My name is Jeon Jungkook. I'm Somi's twin. I'm a man for god's sake...."

He stilled for a moment. Then he slowly straightened until he was once again towering over him. He had time to notice that his eyes were golden brown and more piercing than an osprey's on the hunt. Then he reached out his free hand, gave him a patronizing little tap on the cheek with his long-skinned fingers, and agreed dryly, "Sure you are."

"Listen to me! I'm more than willing to cooperate with you, but my name is Jeon Jungkook. I'm

a teacher for hearing aids students at the Busan International High school, and

this"—his gesture encompassed the sun-washed yard, the back of the house—"is my home."

"Do I look like I was born yesterday?" Taehyung interrupted impatiently. "My first stop was at the Busan International High school. And guess what, Red? Your brother left yesterday for Europe on a trip he's been planning for years."

"I was robbed of that trip," Jungkook said bitterly. "And my name is not Red, it's Jeon Jungkook. That's Mr. Jeon to you...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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