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[A/N: I'm not sure.. but I arranged the chapters, as prologue, Jeon Jungkook, contract, murder.. but seems like contract and murder is mixed up... if you guys have read it in the actual order, I'm glad.. but if not... I'm sorry, I'm not sure.. what happened...Also, I mentioned that Jungkook and Somi are identical twins, well I know it's not possible in reality for a unisex to be identical but this is a fic and anything happens in fic.... so yeah... hmmm... that's all... (I know I sound a bit stupid so don't mind and just enjoy the story.... thank you :) )]

Jungkook choked on the sip of tea he was taking and hastily set his teacup down. "Your boyfriend? Your boyfriend works for a hitman?"

"Daehwi's a bouncer, Kook. And I sure didn't know Seok was a hitman. Hell, he's not. At least he wasn't before now, as far as I know."

Jungkook wasn't listening. He was staring in amazed horror at his sister. "And you came here? Somi, are you crazy? You must realize this is the first place those people are bound to look for you."

"No, they won't." Somi's eyes narrowed. "And what exactly do you mean by 'those people,' Jungkook? You sound just like Mama." Somi gave a piercing glare at her brother. He gulped slowly at the look since he knew well that his sister could be the worst when she gets mad. 

"I-I do not. I just t-tend to get a little t-tense when you lead c-contract k-killers to my door." He stuttered while trying to avoid her gaze.

"Jeez, boy, get a grip. Sung-rok and Yoon-Seok don't have a clue about you."

"Yeah? Well, what about your boyfriend, Somi? You said he works for this Seok person, this—you'll forgive me for belabouring the point—hitman, and he must know about me."

"Nope. He doesn't." Somi shrugged off while gulping her whiskey. 

Jungkook felt some of the tension leave his spine  

"Oh." He nodded then remembered about the boyfriend thing. "So a new boyfriend, huh?"

Somi blinked her big grey eyes. "Oh, no, Kook, he's a longtime lover. We've been seeing each other for four whole months."

'Four whole months. Imagine that. When will she ever understand what is love...hmm.. well that is never gonna happen so no need to languish brain... just stay like this is the usual quotidian way.' Jungkook thought and in carefully noncombative tones, he said "And in all that time, you never once felt compelled to mention you have a twin?"

Somi again shrugged. "Not really. The conversation's not a real big priority when we get together if you know what I mean."

'Ew TMI' Jungkook scrunched his nose. Did he ever—it was the knowledge of Somi's sometimes indiscriminate sexuality that had reined in his own, the few times it threatened to run away with him. What if he let himself go and turned into his sister? The thought scared him to death and had kept him, if not exactly pure, at least cautious. 

Somi rummaged through her purse and pulled out a compact. Glancing up from a critical survey of her reflection, she must have seen something in Jungkook's expression, for she hastened to assure him, "I mean, it's not like we've never had a conversation. We talked about lots of stuff. Like I know he has a couple of brothers and he does know I have a brother. We just never got around to swapping the small details of our family trees. Or our address books."

She gave the bulging purse in her lap a complacent pat. "And I made sure to bring mine with me when I left." Her foresight clearly made her proud.

Jungkook refrained from grinding his teeth, but just barely. Thrusting his fingers through his hair, he planted his elbow on the kitchen table and stared at his sister. "Perhaps you'd better back up," he suggested in a neutral voice. "I'm a little confused."

"Okay. Daehwi caught my act at the Serendipity my first night and it was, like, the instant chemistry between us, you know? Oh, I wish you could see him, Bro," she digressed enthusiastically. "He's like this god, his almost six-feet-if he's an inch, with the hazelnut hair, shoulders out to here, and eyes to die for, they're so—"

"Jeon Somi! I don't care about your squeeze's attributes. Tell me about the thing with Jun Ji-Hyun"

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