The Hardest Part is Over

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MSBY Black Jackals Stadium

MSBY Black Jackals Stadium

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August 7, 2018

It was your second day on the job, and so far everything had been going well. The rest of your medical staff was set to be arriving today and tomorrow. As you waited for them to show up, you were busy organizing your new office. You figured you could set up both health service clinics once everyone got here since that was the space everyone would be sharing. You wanted to have everyone's input for that so it was to everyone's liking and comfort.

Your office was located on the second floor of the building, unlike the health service clinic used for practices which was located right next to the practice gym. This was done to allow for easy access between the gym and the clinic in case of emergencies. In the same sense, there was a second health service clinic located near the gym used for official matches. The equipment was the same in both, but two were created for the matter of efficiency in emergent situations. Though the second floor was technically a lot of stairs to climb for the amount of times you already realized you'd be going up and down from the gym to your office through the day, you didn't mind because of how cool your office's set up was. You and the head coach were the only ones who had an office that overlooked the gymnasium where the players practiced. It was almost like your office was a glass box hanging down from the gymnasium ceiling, allowing you to observe practices. In reality, your office made up one top corner of the gym. The two walls that bordered your office to the gym were simply made of glass. By having a clear view of the gym, it allowed you, the team's physician, to be in your office and do work as well as observe practices in case something were to happen. A set of stairs were located right outside your office door that led you down and straight to the practice clinic if you ever needed to rush for an emergency.

You were almost done organizing the medical reports that you had ordered for each of the players to get done tomorrow for their pre-season physical when you noticed a familiar head of dark, spiky hair enter the practice gym down below. You instantly recognized who it was and ran out of your office and down the stairs, through the clinic, and into the gym. His back was to you as he watched the boys practicing, so you took the opportunity to sneak up behind him and startle him, but to your disappointment he simply turned around and smiled.

"How many times will you keep trying this until you finally admit that you can't sneak up on me? I've missed you. Come here!" he exclaimed as he pulled you into a hug that practically swung you off your feet.

"Iwai!!! I've missed you so much!" you exclaim, hugging Hajime Iwaizumi, one of your dearest friends, just as tight.

You and Iwai continue to catch up and reminisce for a little while when you hear Coach Foster blow his whistle.

"Take a ten minute break, all of you. That's the fifth service from you that hasn't cleared the net in the last thirty minutes, Bokuto! Where's your head at!? Go cool off and come back ready!" Coach Foster yells rather harshly. You snap your attention to Bokuto and watch as he storms off towards the locker rooms.

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