MB - Dennis and Owen.

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Dennis thought Owen was kinda stupid. 

Cute? Yea, sure. 

Comforting? Most certainly. 

Kind? Absolutely. 

But he was also really fuckin stupid. 

Ever since they'd met in the park, Dennis had been given a first row ticket to Owen's shenanigan's. Like that time he'd stolen a car and taken Dennis up north to see the northern lights. 

Dennis knew that Owen struggled. Struggled with considering himself a monster, struggled with his appearance and struggled with knowing he was half dog but he never really let anyone know. He never showed it. 

"Hey hey...Dennis" 

Dennis almost jumped out of his skin at Owen's voice, looking over to where Owen was staring at him, face mere inches from Dennis'. 

"...What do you want Owen?" 

"Wanna play Mario Kart with me?" 


Owen gasped like he'd been shot, "You've never played Mario Kart?" 

"Owen what-" Dennis was about to snap at the dog man before Owen grabbed his wrist, tugging him to the living room where the TV was already on and a controller was hooked up, Owen getting to work setting up a second while Dennis slowly sat on the couch, staring at Owen like he'd grown another head. 

After the controls were explained to him as well as the general concept of the game, Owen started the game. 

Dennis was shocked to find he was actually pretty good. 

Dennis didn't know how long they played for but it must've been a while cause when he looked outside, it was dark out. 

"You won again!" He heard Owen shout and Dennis looked at the screen where he had in fact, come in first place. 

Owen huffed, putting on an over dramatic pout that Dennis could tell wasn't real. Dennis didn't know what it was, maybe it was because he'd been having fun for once, maybe it was because Owen looked so ridiculous but Dennis laughed. 

Owen looked over, seeming shocked and Dennis' smile started to die off before Owen smiled brightly, 

"That's the first time I've seen you smile!" 

Dennis rolled his eyes though it was fond, "Yea, you looked ridiculous" 

Owen pulled a funny face at Dennis which made the blond snort, leaning back with a barely there smile while Owen stared at him happily. 

Maybe the dog-man wasn't so bad. 

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