DP - Ewan & Kit.

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Ewan had never wanted to fall in love.

He'd sworn off of it. Promised himself to never do so, he didn't care that his brothers Angel and Mathias had found love, but he himself? Inconceivable.

Until he met Cristopher Lightwood. Or more commonly, Kit.

Kit was beautiful. Inside and Out, with his beautiful Lilac eyes, his fluffy hair and his sweet smile. His passion and drive, his curiosity and his tendency to write everything down, no matter how mundane it seemed.

Ewan had found himself buying notebooks for Kit more times than he could count. But he didn't care the cost, so long as his angel was smiling.

Ewan liked to watch Kit work, tinkering in his basement workshop with whatever was newest. He would always listen whenever Kit would tell him about something or other.

He often leaned on the work table, humming softly as he watched Kit, smiling lovingly as Kit's nimble fingers worked.

"-and so this should hopefully-you okay Ewan?"

Ewan snapped out of his daze to Kit looking a bit worried, tilting his head at Ewan who hummed,


"Are you okay?" Kit asked again, "you keep making that face"

"Oh I'm perfectly fine Lilac" Ewan cooed to Kit, pushing himself off the table to wrap his arms around Kit from behind, "I just wish I could cuddle you as you worked"

Kit giggled, "Then I can't move!"

"I knowww" Ewan huffed, pouting at Kit, "It sucks!"

Kit rolled his eyes fondly at that, Ewan pouting at Kit,

"Can you cuddle me a bit?"

"Mm...okay" Kit said with a dramatic soft sigh and Ewan grinned, warping them into their bedroom which made Kit squeak as he fell onto the mattress.

Ewan curled beside him, nuzzling up which made Kit perk up, nuzzling back as he felt Ewans arms wrap around him.

The two laid there a few moments before Kit heard Ewan mumble,

"Kiss me?"

Kit nodded, gently placing his hand on Ewans cheek to kiss him softly and lazily.

Ewan smiled as he kissed Kit, pouring as much love as he possibly could into the kiss. Hoping that Kit understood just how much he adored him.

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