We just casually pop into the Underworld... oh and happy birthday Percy

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"Father" Nico knelt.

I stared at the god of the Underworld. Hades was at least ten feet tall, for one thing, and dressed in black silk robes and a crown of braided gold. His skin was albino white, his hair shoulder-length and jet black. He radiated power. He lounged on his throne of fused human bones, looking lithe, graceful, and dangerous as a panther.

I immediately felt like he should be giving the orders. He knew more than I did. He should be my master. Then I told myself to snap out of it.

I knelt next to Nico too, but Hades chuckled. "No need for that"

We got to our feet. 

"Father, this is Vi-"

"Violet Keen your majesty" I introduced myself. 

"Did you have to interrupt me?" Nico grumbled. 

"Only when you're being annoying and stupid" I whispered back and I stuck my tongue out at him. 

On his throne Hades laughed and the Earth seemed to shake with every chuckle. "You choose good company"

"What can I say?" I smiled at the god. "I'm a delight, and that's what I try to tell Nico"

Nico frowned and glared at me, Hades eyed him up and down. I figured this was not the first time the fater-son duo had met. But Hades already seemed tired of Nico. 

"State your business" Hades said. 

"Father is it true Luke Castellan bears the curse of Achilles?" Nico asked. The last week we had spent trying to find Luke, but he was really good at hiding. Nico and I had thought over everything that had happened and came to the conclusion that getting his body "prepared" meant a dip in the river Styx. If that really were the case, we were in deep shit. 

"I cannot interfere in these matters directly, son" Hades said coldly. "But I know there is something else you need- answers"

Nico perked up. We had tried to balance searching for Luke with searching for answers about his past, but we had come up empty handed. We even visited the Lotus Casino (Gods know how fast that week passed), then we visited all the places Nico remembered, but it got us no closer and it made Nico very frustrated. 

"Who was my mother? Can you tell me about my past?" Nico asked immediately, his mouth splitting into a rare grin. But Hades frowned. 

"You don't get anything for free, your sister would've known that" He scoffed. Nico lowered his head. If I wasn't thinking everything over, I would've had time to feel bad. 

"What can we offer you in return Lord Hades?" I asked. 

"Child of Dionysus" Hades titled his head, "Your brother- Castor was it?"

My breath hitched. Of course, all dead souls were in the Underworld. Which meant Castor was here too. Somewhere. I felt my eyes prick, I remembered his violet eyes, the same violet eyes I always saw in the mirror. And I felt my throat closing up. Oh Gods not now. 

My vision blurred and I was vaguely aware of Nico being by my side to calm me down. But  the panic didn't go away. I was in the fucking Underworld. What the fuck was I doing?

"Father, please stay away" Nico said. He pulled me into his chest. "I'm sorry but they're having a panic attack"

Hades who was now walking toward us, stopped and looked down at me in pity. He touched his fore fingers to my temples and I felt the panic fade away. I lay there for a few seconds, gasping and trying to catch my breath, but other than that- I was okay. 

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