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I walk out of the most interesting and boring meeting at the same time that morning with Shawn by my side, my book filled with awesome ideas under my arm while we follow miss soon to be Mrs brahms back to our office.

" The meeting was fantastic Callum " She says giving me a polite smile as she walks on. I give Shawn an invisible fist bump before moving closer

" I try my best " I say and smile. Not to brag but I'm very you know intelligent and you can say brilliant too

" Good. I hope you keep trying your best for the school " She says

" Will sure do " I mutter with yet another smile..

" And how did you like the meeting Shawn ? " She turns to her left to ask him.

" I found it quite entertaining " He states and smiles. Shawn Shawn always polite.

" I liked your ideas too. We will talk more in the next meeting " She says.

" Thanks " He replies and stares ahead again.

" How was the transfer kid ? " She turns to look at me as she asks me.

" Oh you mean Liam ? " I ask back even though I already know that's who she is referring to. If not did another hot guy transfer today?.

" Yes Mr Scott. How did he settle in ? " She asks

" I gave him his schedule and I took him around the school on a great tour " except that he didn't say a single word on the way, just giving subtle nods here and there and I was few minutes from ripping his head off. Like guy do you know english or not.

But I didn't though

" Plus I showed him the football and the basketball teams too hoping he'd join one of them " I say

Lies I just want to see him when he's really sweaty.

" That's good " She nods.

" I showed him to his first class too. Hopefully he can find his way to his other ones too then the lunch room should be easy since people will be heading there after third period " I say and stop as Miss Brahms stops too.

" Thank you Callum. You are the best " She says and I beam.

" Thank you " I say politely.

" Why don't you guys go to your next class seeing it's almost the end of second period. I will see you back in the office when school closes " She says and Shawn and I nod our heads in reply before she walks away making her heels tap the ground in a soft manner

As soon as she is out of sight I turn to Shawn abruptly.

" How about we ditch third period too " I say and pout. I'm actually joking I wouldn't and Shawn will probably say no

" Haha very funny cal. Let's go to class " He says and drags me on into the science lab.

I hate calculus, how I pass, I do not know.


" Oh look who looks tired " Savvy says and I flop down on my chair at our lunch table during lunch break...

" Oh girl you look tired " Tasha says and frowns.

" That's because I'm tired " I reply as I take a bite out of my lunch tray. " Thanks for ordering for me guys, you saved my life " I add and take another bite.

" My cheeks hurt so bad " I murmur with a frown.

" That's what happens when you smile too much " Jay says and I pass him a pout.

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