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(I read the original book to see when I need to add and I feel like it's plain. I hope I made this rewrite more interesting)

(hey, sorry for the slow updates. My mental health isn't great so that's been occupying me.)

I pinch between my eyes, sighing as I finally cleaned Colin up. He was still shut down but that can change, though I'm scared of that. As much as the thought of him lunging at me with his wires scared me, I felt guilty. Harry sat next to me as I figured out how to help Colin, Tony standing at my other side due to my questioning which I gave up on.
"..... Tony, do you know all the teachers?"I asked, him shaking his head.

"Yes but we can't talk about them until they appeared."He said, making me nod.

"Great. That's fucking terrific......"I blankly said, glancing at him. I hold the on button and his screen lit up, causing my head to twitch before I squeezed the small toy rabbit I brought from my room.

"What's that for?"Tony asked, making me glance at him once more.

"I have a tick disorder that causes me to touch or involuntarily move or say things unwillingly cause of stress, noises, or movements, hence why I have this which helps distract me. I am absolutely terrified that Colin here might decides to lunge at me again when he wakes. Quite a pity but can't be helped."I bluntly explain, him nodding as he sits down while taking in what I've said. I watched as Colin rebooted, his eyes opening.

"..... Hello!"He said, waving at me. I didn't wave back. I turned and left the room, going into the kitchen. I just lean against the counter, forcing myself to space off in hope that I'll calm down.

"You okay?"I hear Harry say, guessing he followed me.

"No."I answered, glancing toward his direction.
"but I'll be fine. I have-.... I will be."I said, focusing on his face. He nodded, coming over to stand next to me. We just stand there, only for me to scoff, laughing softly.
"At least he doesn't seem violent now. I'm gonna check on Manny and Robin."I said, going to leave before I feel him grab my hand, causing me to tense up.

"Valeria, please tell me your okay."He said, making me keep my face away from him.

"I'm..... I'll be okay."I answered, my hand feeling a soft squeeze.

"are you?"He quietly asked, causing my jaw to clench.

"...... Harry..... I haven't been okay for years, and I won't for years. My well being will be fine soon but.... I can't say I'm okay right now."I answered, his grip loosening. I force myself to smile at him, tilting my head.
"Nothing like a good night sleep will do. Let's go check up on them, okay?"I said, him slowly nodding. I turned towards him fully and hugged him, him immediately hugging me back.

"You worry me."He quietly said, making me chuckle.

"I know. I'm sorry."I responded, him letting me go. He stared at me for a few seconds before bringing his face close to the top of my head, hearing and feeling him kiss it before ruffling my hair.

"Just make sure you sleep."He said, turning and leaving the room. I stood there, conflicted. Does he like me? No way, he wouldn't. But he kissed my head. It didn't mean anything. Like hell it didn't. I shook my head, forcing those thoughts down as I went to leave. I yelped as I heard something hit the window, watching Shrignold slide down the glass. I snickered, shaking my head as I walked to the living room where Colin was chatting with them.

"Hey guys, Shrignold just slammed into the window in the kitchen."I said, Tony scowling.

"Oh hell no!"He stood, rushing into the kitchen. I faked gasp, rushing to Manny who sat on the couch and covered his ears.

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