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I shot up, almost running out of my room before pausing.
".... That's.... One way of waking up."I said, frowning as I looked around my room. It felt lifeless. I quickly change into a binder, black hoodie, and black sweats, not feeling great enough to do my usual shit. I physically felt exhausted for some reason. I head out, glancing at my phone to see it was-
"8pm?!"I stared at it, shocked. What the fuck, does sex actually...... Sex? I.... That's weird. I shake my head and go downstairs, shocked to see no one up.

"8pm?!"I hear a scratchy voice screech, my head turning to see Robin rush downstairs.
"How did I sleep for so long?! I've never slept for that long!"He questioned, my eyes wide.

"I also just woke up."I said, the two of us confused while a tired Manny came down.

"You two are loud."He said, hugging my side. I frowned, sighing.

"You guys hungry?"I asked, Robin just sighing before heading to the kitchen. I just stayed quiet as I also headed to the kitchen, Manny sitting down while I stared at a drawing on the fridge.

".... Something's... different."I heard, though I didn't pay any mind to it. I just stared at the red figure drawn hugging me.

"Something's.... missing."Robin said, making me glance at him to see him looking at the same drawing. When I looked back I blinked a few times, surprised to see it changed.... No, it didn't.... Wait...

".... Something's wrong. Something about all this is off."I said, backing up.

"Is it this guy?"Manny asked, making me look now wide eyed at a bread thing hitting two jars with spoons. Why is there a- I froze as I immediately realized what was happening.

"Oh no this is a lesso-"

"ArE yOu HuNgRy?!"A can sang, opening a cabinet. I quickly rush to Manny, keeping him close to me.
"YoU lOoK tO bE a BiT hUnGrY!!"It sang, making me glare at it.

"Shut up!"I snap, it staring at me.

"..... Doo doo doo dooo.. LoTs Of PeOpLe GeT hUnGrY!"

"That's your body!"I hear, making me turn to see a giant ass steak man poking Robin with a steak fork.
"Hungry comes from your body!"He said, Robin saying 'get off me' before getting behind me with Manny. I'm going to throw hands with one of these if they touch me-
"But your body has to be healthy."He said, going to poke me. I growled, almost taking a step forward only to look at the singing spinach can.

"WhAt's ThAt?! A tAsTy SnAcK!? yOu DoN't WaNnA eAt A sNaCk LiKe ThAt!!"It yelled, pointing to cake.

"Greedy to eat all that! You'll end up with your teeth all grey!"The steak man sang as I looked at him, yelling at seeing I was now sitting and holding both a knife and fork. They continued singing 'doo' as I gripped the knife, the steak man putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Oh that's fucking it!"I said, standing as I shoved the steak dude away from me. I got held back by Robin as the steak dude started tap dancing, puzzling me. I literally just shoved him.
"We're done here. I don't care about what you two- three are teaching but I am done."I growled, going to grab both Robin and Manny's hands when the phone rang. My chest sank as I stared at the phone.

"is that...."I trailed off, going to grab the phone only to suddenly be grabbed as Robin picked it up. Flashes of a white room filled my vision as I was thrown to the ground, my arms now locked in some kind of jacket.
"Robin? Manny?!"I called out, looking around only to stare directly at a drooling humanoid can staring right at me. I scooted myself away from it, my back hitting a wall as it came towards me.
"Get away! GET AWAY FROM-"
"Mmff! Mmmffff?!"A muffled scream escaped me, looking at Robin and Manny below me. I looking down to see I was in a straight jacket, a house in my chest with little pieces on it. As the steak was explaining something I felt little things inside me move, dread filling me as my vision slightly blurred. All I could hear was a phone ringing loudly in my ear, closing my eyes for what felt like a second only to find myself sitting down. I looked around to see a fridge getting in Robin's face, making me see red. I rushed forward, not questioning being out of my restraints as I grabbed the knife and stabbed the fridge. Robin ran while Manny just watched, staring at my now bloodied form as everything went dark. I growled as suddenly I was dragged by my legs, screaming as I once again struggled in my restraints only to stop. Wide eyes now stared at a can eating Robin's insides, the bird reaching towards my direction weakly.

"Pro.... Tect..... Him..."He said, laying there in pain. Tears ran down my face as I was dragged out of the room, my ears ringing as I no longer tried to fight.

".... He's going to die..... I'm going to die...."I quietly said, crying out as I was grabbed by my hair and lifted up towards the still drooling can's mouth.

"hehehehehehe, not yet."It said before handing me a knife, everything turning black except for me and the shiny knife. I stared at it, the straight jacket becoming loose as I reached for it. When I grabbed it everything went back to a kitchen, looking around to see Manny with blood around his mouth, green feathers here and there. I slowly walked towards the crying child, staring at the can.

"I ate him. I ate Robin."He cried as I picked up one of the open cans around him, gripping it tightly.

"..... It's oka-"

"No it fucking isn't!! I just fucking ate Robin! Harry's gone and you'll be gone soon enough!"He screamed, wiping his eyes as I just stood there.

"...... It's going to to okay, you know why?"I asked, the child looking up at my slightly shaking form as tears spilled out of my eyes.
"Cause it has to be okay. I'm going to be here. We'll have eachother.... And I'm going to kill those teachers for doing this. For taking them away."I said, smiling at him.
"I'll die fighting if they want to take me too."I said, manny rushing forward to hug me. I broke. I fell to my knees and hugged the boy, both of us shaking as we hugged, crying with blood around us.


I nodded to myself, looking at the now clean kitchen. I had sent Manny to take a shower, standing on standby to help with anything before he fell asleep. I sighed as I looked down at my clothes. Weirdly enough my clothes changed to a straight jacket and white pants, which I still had on. I ran a hand through my hair, pausing..... I'm gonna dye my hair. I head upstairs, hesitating when I passed Harry's room. Harry. I remember you. I continue to my room, quickly taking off the straight jacket before pausing. I cut off the ends of the sleeves, allowing my hands to move things more easily. Why didn't I take it off beforehand? I don't know. I was kinda dazed for a bit after everything. I glanced at the knife on my table side, looking away to put on my normal black pants and a semi bleached shirt. I leave and checked in on Manny, seeing the boy still sleeping soundly. That's good. I go to the bathroom and do the normal devil's tango with my hair, smiling at seeing it now a red color. Red. I like that color.

"Why are you dyeing your hair?"He asked, making me look at him. I smiled, tilting my head.

"You've known me for months now, I always dye my hair every month."I said, frowning when I saw him stare at my hands. Oh yeah. I wash my hands, a swirl of red going down the drain.

"..... Could you do mine?"He asked, making my eyes wide.

"Y-Yeah.... Wait, what are we gonna tell your dad?!"I asked, freezing when he looked away.

"My dad's not allowed to see me, not until he goes through therapy."He said, making me immediately hug him.

"Fuck dads. Let's dye your hair. What color?"I asked, him smiling.

"How about we match."He said, making me chuckle.

"Yeah, but let's bleach your hair first."I said, him nodding as I quickly started mixing the said bleach.
"Oi, go put on an old t-shirt!"I said, him confused but agreed. I chuckled at that, quickly frowning as I was lost in thought. I can't believe all that happened hours prior to now..... We need to have a small funeral for them. I smiled when Manny game back, excited.

"I can't wait to finally dye my hair!"He said, making me smile sadly as I began.
"...... Hey Val.... Could we sleep in Harry's bed tonight- well, after this?"He asked, making me freeze. I smiled, nodding.

"Yeah. We can."

Someone wanted smut for last chapter so tomorrow I'll be doing that. I'll edit this tomorrow too. I'm too tired RN. Oh and be prepared for that knife to appear more often.)

I'm now thinking and I think I'm gonna make the ending different from the og book)

Imagine not spell checking your shit. Also, I regret the sex scene. Should've just left it at a cliffhanger)

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