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(okay guys, this will either be the last or second to last chapter of this book. In celebration of this rewrite ending I'll be sure to work on artwork for this. For  y'all. 

Thank you all for enjoying this and the original book.)

"Why do I need to go to school if I'm going to die."Manny said, the cup in my hand crashing to the ground. 

"What?"I asked, staring at him. The more I stared into his empty eyes, the more empty I felt as reality faded from my mind. 

"Why should I bother anymore."Manny said, Tony panicking. 

"What happened?! Are you-"

"What was that crash? Wha-"

"You are not going to die. You have me and I won't let them kill you."I said lowly, Tony and Colin shutting up. 

"You're not bulletproof, Val!"Manny shouted, making my stance falter. 

"I'm not saying I-"I started, flinching when he glared at me. 

"You're the one always saying you'll protect me and how you'll kill them before they can do anything."Manny blankly stated. 
"No matter how many classes or knives you buy, nothing will change your weak body. They could kill you."He said, my hands tensing.

"Manny, I'm sorry this is happening but giving up won't fix anything."I said, Manny scoffing. 

"Going about our days like nothing's wrong isn't going to fix it either."Manny said with empty eyes, getting off of his stool.

"Manny-"I called, reaching out for him. I flinched when he hit my hand away, his face faltering. 

"It won't bring them back, Valeria."Manny ended, the boy standing and leaving past Tony and Colin. I stood there, hands shaking as I tried to stop myself from breaking down right there. Not in front of Tony. Not in front of Colin. Not here where they can hear me. 

"Val. Please sit down."Tony poofed, human-like hands guiding me to the stool carefully while Colin stayed by my side. I tensed up from the touch, slumping in the chair as he quickly got to work with cleaning the broken glass.

"D-Don't worry, Val. The two of you will be okay. Things will be okay."Colin reassured me, my heart sinking. 

".....He's right."I softly said, Tony freezing as Colin's hesitant figure looked at Tony. 

"What?"Tony asked, facing me. I looked at him, tears filling my eyes as I shook my head. 

"Manny's right. Any day now he's going to die and I know I will too cause.... I'll die trying to save him."I said, glancing at my hands. 
"Who am I to try and feed him false hope? When I don't have any for myself."I revealed, my lip quivering. 

"Val,"Colin called, almost grabbing my hand only to rest his on my shoulder. 
"Neither you or Manny are going to die. We... We won't let that happen."Colin said, Tony staring at him before setting the broom to the side. 

"You're the only one that boy has, he just feels like that 'cause he lost two people."Tony said, my brows furrowing. 

"He lost two people who took him in when his father couldn't, and it's good that... That man can't hurt that boy no longer but..... The one person who accepted me and still loved me is gone. I.... I'm just someone Harry loved.''I shooked, standing. 
"I know what it's like to give up and just wanting to die. That boy is around the age I almost....."I sobbed, turning away. 

"Almost what?"Colin asked, making me tense up. 

"Take a lucky guess."I lowly said, looking over at him before looking away. 
"I'm sorry, I... I'll be back. Keep him safe for now."I said, rushing out the back door before they could stop me. I felt worthless, thoughts swirling around my head as my surroundings changed from a street with homes to a lifeless forest. At some point I stopped, noticing where I was. How did I..? My body froze as I heard clapping slowly looking over to see a man, the only thing visible about him were glowing yellow stars and his glowing yellow eyes. He came closer, revealing himself to be.... A lamp. I looked away, closing my eyes. 
"This is a lesson, isn't it."I stated, sighing with a smile as tiredness washed over me.
"I don't care about your lesson. Just kill me."I said, only looking over at him when he chuckled. 

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