Prelude: An Excerpt from the Journal of Nelda Crane

316 41 35

Date: 12/25/940

Ha! I got the job! The one I'd applied for with Matteo Rocha's lab. I'm psyched! The man's a genius! I can't believe that he'd thought I was smart enough to work for him! Suck it, Bran - you don't get to call me an idiot anymore. That's right, Nelda Crane is not an idiot. 

Speaking of which, I got to be the responsible auntie today. Bran's kiddos were asking me for help with their history homework. They had to write some essays about the Founders from the early days of Heart, and Mimi wanted to focus on Rourke Cynwrig. Always a popular topic, yes, I know. I just hadn't remembered how young he was when he disappeared. Seventeen is practically a kid still. Jeez, it's weird how much I've forgotten from school.

I got a good history refresher, but I still find it weird how we decided to name Cynwrig's Bloodrot after him. Sure, the sickness died down a ton once he disappeared, but our history books don't actually have much evidence that he was directly responsible. It kind of looks like a coincidence to me, and you know what they say - "correlation does not equal causation." My science classes have drilled that into my head for years. 

Anyways, things are starting to look up for me. This is the start of a good thing. A very good thing.

Nelda Crane, signing out. 

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