Chapter 5: Tess Ritty

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Tess kept her head ducked down, still embarrassed. Bug squirmed in her arms, clawing through her blouse, but she kept a tight grip on the cat. She gnawed at the inside of her lip, wondering what her family would say about missing the vet visit and showing up with Garrett. The man was clearly a bodyguard – tall and bulky, with an expensive-looking headset wrapped around his ears. While it was a nice gesture to make sure that she got home safely, it really wasn't necessary.

They were still deep in the forested area that surrounded the Reservoir, following one of the many cobbled paths that wound their way through this place. Little blue lights, made from burning kuar worm droppings, were spaced at one-meter intervals along either side of the path, lighting their way. Tess pushed aside an overgrown fern. She wondered briefly if they'd run across any couples here. The forest was a decent enough spot for cheap dates, though most who came here after dark were just chasing ghost stories. The forest was an old place, and folk in the Greens could be a suspicious lot. There were more than a few people who believed that it was the root of their disappearance problem.

At her side, a bit of static came through Garrett's headset, and he grunted. He gave Tess a sideways glance and sighed as Bug climbed up onto her shoulder.

"Kid, give me the cat. She's gonna get away from you again," he said.

Tess grimaced and tried not to feel insulted. He did have a point. She offered Garrett her shoulder, and he grabbed Bug before she could hop down. Bug had always tolerated Tess, but never really liked her in the same way that she liked Marina or the pharmacy customers. Now though, Tess watched in amusement while Garrett struggled to keep Bug in check. That cat really didn't like this guy. She was hissing and scratching left and right. Garrett's arms were getting covered in long, red claw-marks.

"I can always take her back, you know," she told him. Garrett just shook his head and kept going. It wasn't long before they reached a flat, grey rock wall at the edge of the forest. A small, metal door was set into it, held shut with a heavy bolt. Tess realized that she'd never seen this part of the forest. When had she stopped paying attention to where they were going? She took a step back. Garrett seemed to pay her no heed. He just shifted the still-squirming Bug under his right arm and yanked at the bolt with his left. The door swung open silently. Beyond lay a dark tunnel.

"Um, Garrett," said Tess, "Where are we?"

She wanted to take another step back, but Garrett still had Bug. And Bug was panting now. Tess had never seen her do that.

"Shortcut to the upper levels," grunted Garrett. He jerked his head toward the tunnel and waited. "Come on."

Tess paused. It seemed like an eternity before she finally got moving and found herself in the tunnel. She couldn't leave Bug behind. All around her, the rough tunnel rock lay naked and veined with a tangle of wires and rumbling ductwork. Garrett nudged her to walk in front, and so she walked uncertainly down the dark path.

Finally, they stopped. Tess looked around. They were in a bare room. The only light came from their shae bands. In the room's center lay a raised well. Garrett still had Bug wedged under his arm. He gave Tess a pointed look and nodded towards the well. Tess shook her head. If Garrett wanted her to take one more step, he'd have to drag her there himself.

"What is this?" she said quietly.

Garrett strode towards the well, shifting his grip on Bug. Suddenly, he held the cat out, singlehandedly dangling her over the well by the nape of her neck. Bug hissed and clawed at his arm.

"No!" shouted Tess. "No no no no no no!" She rushed over to the well, reaching for Bug, but Garrett held the cat out of reach.

"Please," she begged, "please just give her to me!"

Garrett sighed and grabbed the back of her blouse. "Sorry, kid," he said, "But you're a liability to Mr. Rocha's research. Wrong place, wrong time."

He dropped Bug down the well, and then shoved Tess in after her.  

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