Interlude: An Excerpt from the Journal of Nelda Crane

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Date: 1/33/942

I don't know what to do. 

It's been three days since Flores Greens went into quarantine, and my boss, Dr. Rocha, just stopped at my apartment. I have no idea how he managed to get all the way here! The only people crazy enough to go out are already dead on their feet and looking to take everyone else down with them. Cops are stopping everyone who breaks quarantine and checking apartments for signs of bloodrot. More and more people keep turning and killing and dying - and there's rumors that it's in the vents. 

But that's not what I'm worried about right now - well, it is, but it's not what I'm talking about. My boss needs me in the lab in three hours. How I manage to get there is my problem, but he needs me there all the same. He wouldn't say why, but he got this really weird look on his face when I asked if his family was ok. I think they're sick, and I don't know what he's planning. There's nothing we can do about bloodrot, and it scares me. 

I don't know, maybe he figured something out. Dr. Matteo Rocha is pretty smart, and he's got a few private projects that I don't know much about. Then again, there's a lot of smart people in Heart, and we're still stuck with the threat of bloodrot even after hundreds of years on this planet. You'd think someone would have done something to fix it by now, right?

Maybe I will try and get to the lab. I don't feel like waiting to die. But I also really don't feel like running into some bloodrot-addled murder-monster either...

Like I said, I don't know what to do. 

Nelda Crane, signing out. 

Author's Note: 

Hey guys, I've been going back-and-forth on this section (the purpose is to break up parts 1 and 2 for this story), so I'm looking to see if I can get any feedback on it. One of my readers had recommended extending the lyrics in the prologue (Thanks Ric! You got me thinking on this!), but since part 2 is going to delve into a few things that happened during Connor's grandfather's time, I was hoping to pull Matteo Rocha back into the picture. 

Let me know your thoughts - I'm not too attached to this yet, so I can always mess around with it further :)

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