Pass the Controller, Dumbfuck

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Summary: How horror game nights go between Connor and Lacey

Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Death, Execution, Amputation used as a Form of Torture, (Badly written) Gore, Death of a loved one, ominous cliff-hanger??

Word Count: 2,698 words

Author's Notes: This was a little drabble I wrote back in 2019 between two characters I made for my best friend! Connor (He/Him) and his daughter Larissa/Lacey (She/Her)! Here are the bio sheets I made them at the top.


"Oh god, I can't look, I can't look!"

"Dad, you have to!" Lacey managed to say through her laughter. 

"You're the one with the controller!"

"Well I don't want the damn contr-OLLER!" Connor shrieked as some demonic creature jumped out at him on screen, quickly turning his character around to run away.

"Dad! You have a weapon just kill him! The longer you don't, the more that come!"

"But what if he kills me?!"

"Well you'll be killed by hundreds of em' if you-"

Lacey groaned while Connor shrieked once more as he was cornered and unsurprisingly killed, bright white letters spelling out a "You have died" across the screen.

"That's it, dad, gimme the controller." He handed it to his daughter, watching with baited breath as she hit replay, letting out a gasp every time he heard a groan or growl from the creatures pursuing them.

"We're gonna die, we're gonna die, we're gonna die-!"

"Dad, we are in the protected area, that is literally impossible... Unless the game glitches, I guess."

"But that one right there is fucking WATCHING YOU!" Connor pointed at the creature on screen who just so happened to be looking in their direction.

"Dad. It can't see us."


"Whatever, I'm going out." Lacey left the previous area to make progress on their current mission. It wasn't until a while later that she got to the section Connor had previously been in, and just like him, an enemy spotted her.

Connor screamed as it came running at them, only for Lacey to pull out an axe and quickly hack it to death.

"See? Now it can't call on it's friends, and we aren't getting chased. Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Lacey glanced at her dad, who stared at the Tv for a moment, before turning to her with a look of awe.

"You must be a wizard."

"Oh my god dad!"

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