Spill the damn tea

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Rose:wth happened with you and Derek

Gabriella:right spill the tea

Victoria:ok in the class room Derek was fingering me and then we got caught so we went to his house he took my virginity and asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes

Gabriella:damn vallyk asked me to be his girlfriend I said yes

Rose:Mike asked me I said yes

Victoria:yes bitches we all got boyfriends

Derek:Victoria can you come to my room so I can talk to you


They left and went to Derek room

Victoria:what you wanna talk about

Derek:ok so me and mike,vallyk are in a mafia and I'm the leader and since we're dating I feel like I need to tell you everything and you and your friends won't be apart of we're keeping y'all safe ok


Derek:you're not mad

Victoria:no why would I be mad(she said kissing him)

Derek:stop before I fuck you again

Vallyk and mike already told rose and Gabriella

Derek:ok me mike and vallyk gotta go to a meeting we'll be back shortly make yourself comfortable this is y'all house now too

Victoria:ok bye I love you

Derek:I love you more princess(he gave her a long passionate kiss)

Derek mike and vallyk soon left to got to their meeting and they came back and cuddled with y'all and went to sleep

This is short TBC

In love with mafia king(Derektrendz story)Where stories live. Discover now