Is he cheating

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Victoria pov
I woke up the next morning Derek wasn't next so I guess he left to go to him meeting(the boss doesn't know about y'all yet and let's just say Derek has two phones) I heard Derek other phone keep going off it was some girl named aya(let's say aya is 17)

Victoria thoughts 💭
Is he cheating on me

You left your room and went to Ahiella



Victoria:umm I think Derek might be cheating on me cause it's the girl named aya keeps blowing up his phone same she misses him and when can she see him again

Ahiella:oop can I beat his ass

Victoria:what no what if at wrong

Ahiella:BITCH is you dumb all the messages you just  showed me you really think he's not

Victoria:maybe your right

Ahiella:I think their back let's go

You and Ahiella went downstairs and you saw a girl with purple short hair and the first name that popped in your head was aya

Ahiella:sis you ok cause I think that's her

Victoria:umm Derek can I talk to you in private

Derek:umm no

Victoria:Derek it's serious

Derek:whatever you have to say to me you can say in front of them

Aya:tell bae

Everybody except aya and Derek:BAE??????

Aya:yea Derek is my boyfriend

Vallyk:so nigga you go on about how you love Victoria and shit but you cheated on her

Mike:not only that Victoria is pregnant with yo baby

Kobe:nigga you got to be the dumbest bitch I've ever seen Derek

Ahiella:sis you good

Victoria:yea yea I'm fine at least I know that you was never happy with me

Derek:don't be so dramatic

(Btw this is all a prank everybody was in on it except Ahiella and you obviously)

Victoria:you know what fuck you with yo hoe ass and I hope you know you not gonna be in this baby life he/she is gonna grow up with out a father just like you did

Once Victoria said that Derek heart broke and he started crying and that when Victoria realized what she had said

Victoria:I didn't mean it I'm sorry

Derek:you know what fuck you Victoria this was all a prank the camera is right behind you

Derek went to the room and slammed the door and aya left to go with her boyfriend Cohen You then went to the room and tried to talk to Derek

Victoria:baby I'm sorry I didn't mean it I swear I thought you were cheating on me I just said that out of anger I promise it'll never happen again

Derek:fine I forgive you but you gotta make it up to me

Victoria:baby I'm already pregnant

Derek:no baby not like that can we cuddle all day

Victoria:ofc we can

You got in bed and you and Derek started cuddling and watching tv until you realized Derek was sleep so you went to sleep too


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