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Derek pov
We arrived at Disneyland we got our stuff to get on rides and stuff me and Victoria were holding hands but then I felt her hold my hand tighter

Derek:babe what's wrong

Victoria:I see my toxic ex

Derek:the nigga walking towards us

Victoria:Derek pls help me

Derek:ok baby calm down

???:hey nice to see you again Victoria

Victoria:Trey leave me alone

Trey:why would I do that baby

Derek:for one she's not your baby and for two she told you to leave her alone

Trey:oh so this the nigga I see you with all over Instagram you finally got another boyfriend your such a hoe


Derek punched him in the face making Trey fall to the ground spitting on blood

Trey:bitch get yo nigga

Victoria:I'm not a bitch and I'm not no hoe plus you started it so Derek finished it now LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!

Trey:fine damn

He left and the group went on about their day


This is short I'm but I think imma do one last chapter to this book then I'll be done cause I have more books that I'm working on

In love with mafia king(Derektrendz story)Where stories live. Discover now