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Our Story begins when one of the Nintenguard H.Q  bored and screening room have been reserved for the week these brooms on meant to study and review footage from past know Nintenguard campaign or to occupy guests with a screening or two while the beans are going on or to witness the footage for Testimony reasons.

When the door open Nintenguard commander Fox McCloud is the first to come into the room and sit at the farthest chair with a briefcase with files and notes of path classified documents that the a plan to be Declassified next is Tellanrain Commander Jorgen Von Strangle who sit next to Fox on the lift with a case full of redacted types of what seem to be someone performance footage as well as type of what he will the classified as well then some gas from both parties under certain aliases taking their seats in the screening area. " finally it's time to air out the humiliation each of us kept a lid on." Say Commander Von strangle " hey I'm not going to be happy about doing this as well but we must do this if we have to move forward." Say Fox "I know that," replied Jordan " but do we have to go down like this with those that's going to be here in the next day or two who I checking in as we speak into that Mushroom inn village that for all we know it's going to be packed and toads don't normally get this kind of guests before they may not realize until it's all over." Fox look at his watch and see that the review meeting is in a hour then says "Well those that came as Witnesses also have something for us to review in return since we are reviewing had a part in their campaign." Then Ovalsan came in and sit on the other end to begin.  "Ovalsan Ivan," say Fox as he begins the review "Up until the Captain N campaign all your known campaign files have been in the file storage rooms of in the chronological order the Nintenguard the Tellanrain the Playstatanel the Micortray the Comic government and the Toy box republic where for now me and Jordan will be reviewing as well as more will join in the coming days and in return we as those that came here so they can know about the Oval frontline."

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