Gently do

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"The performance was postponed upon the host's request. We still don't know the full details yet but-" Jimin covered the phone's speaker with his hand. He carefully looked around the lobby to see whom had his eyes on him. It was empty.
"I'll call later. I need to check on Seokjin hyung, we didn't find him in his room ...Hobi is searching as well. Bye."

Jimin sniffed Seokjin's lather jacket one more time, hoping to pick some of his scent instead of the cologne he wore but no hope.
Yoongi really spoke the truth when he said the delta's lack of scent would be a problem in the future.
Outside the hotel was cold, so he wore it. A smile crawled on his lips when he felt some of his hyung's warmth still lingering in its sleeves.

"Should we just kill him? That thing has been bothering you ever since we arrived. "

The voice was serious, low and threatening, it made Jimin’s blood freeze as he swallowed hard. He had a very bad feeling about it.

The omega could now make out two silhouettes of two guys standing with their back  turned towards him, looming over something more like someone he couldn’t see.
They turned their heads just to look at each other and there he recognized one of them. Donghae. The alpha that almost killed Hoseok and is planning to end Seokjin....wait..

"Yeah. Freaks like him need to go extinct," the other one confirmed in a rough voice and then bent took out a gun.

Jimin’s eyes widened at the silvery weapon and then he heard a familiar whine and realized just what it was that these two guys wanted to kill.

"Ah isn't that my sweet Park Jimin?"


It was completely dark when Seokjin took his backpack, ready to leave for a walk outside the hotel. However the grunt coming from the bed made him halt.
Jungkook was lying on his back on the mattress, his eyes squeezed shut as he scowled, his arm bent above his head.
Approaching the alpha while he was in such a state wasn't a good decision.

He had to convince himself with the selfish thought that Jungkook was okay. It will end soon. The suffering isn't permanent.
He would have, if Jk didn't call his name, out of a sudden and now has his crimson eyes on his figure.

His locks, neck, even body was drenched in sweat. He had an unstable breathing pattern, inhaling and exhaling hot air. His lungs felt like a dragon's.
And smell....his smell, although he hate to admit it, was divine.

"Gotta thank these fuckin humans sometimes." He murmured. Grabbing the pack of ice,that came with a wine bottle he ordered,  then handing it to Jungkook.
"Here. Use it."
The alpha pushed it away from his feverish skin as it did nothing to help. He turned his back, breaking the intensity of the eye contact they held for a good 15 seconds.
Seokjin was frustrated. It scared him how he was lost and uncertain about his own actions.
"Jungkook, you can't do that."

With the exception of the alpha's  breathing, the low hum of the AC , and Seokjin's stray steps on the wooden floor, it’s quiet.
He wanted to talk to Jungkook. He’s still lying with his back turned and arms around himself but his breathing has evened out, his chest rising and falling steadily. He's definitely asleep.
It feels good to know that he won't be suffering the consequence of his unstable rut for the time being. Seokjin smiles a little then stop in his track. A sudden ache in his chest resurfaced and now he feels like his own clothes are choking him.

"Listen. Am not a weak fuck. But I need you here . I don't know who the fuck are those people outside...and I am surrounded by humans...they terrify me more than anything you know.." Jin sighs, brushing his hair back, the cold water bottle sweating in his hands.  "It's not that am scared of them though. Am scared of how much I hate them."

Jin froze on spot. He thought the alpha was asleep the whole time. His face flushed in embarrassment knowing that he just admitted that he needs him and he was, in fact, scared of humans and-
"I need you," Jungkook's voice was hoarse and low, it left him confused with a foreign spark deep inside,
"I need you... to get out of this room before I regret it." Jk panted.

Seokjin wanted to carry on the conversation, however Jungkook's hard eyes raking his body up and down with a visible hunger and lust made him speechless. His breathing turned slow, filled with the alpha's scent.

"You know something."
Fuck it.
Seokjin settles on top of Jungkook, legs straddling his waist, weight pinning the alpha to the mattress. He can now feel Jungkook properly, not only his hearted gaze but the heat of his feverish body, his heavy scent, Seokjin could shamelessly make the shape of "him". Jin shudders when Jungkook pulled at his hair, pushing his face down.

His surprised gasp is swallowed down, quieted by an eager tongue and open mouth.  With another tug to his hair, Jungkook removes his hands and settles them onto his hips, under his shirt. Holding him in place since his body was shaking uncontrollably.
They keep kissing, even when he's nearly out of fuckin breath. But his whole body is pumped with a crazy  rush of adrenaline.
Jk break apart from the kiss . His pupils diluted, still keeping extremely close.

He’s close enough to Jk’s mouth that they're sharing the same breaths, that he’s smelling all of him and becoming dizzied by it. His heart and head pounding.
"Fuck. I told you to block your scent."
With the last bit of logic, Jungkook groaned, slowly letting go of his hips.
Seokjin really was adding to his suffering on purpose.
Seokjin reached for Jungkook's hands then placed them once again  on his hips. 
"Or else you'll fuck me, no?"
"Lay on your back Seokjin."


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