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A terrifying growl exploded from the bottom of Seokjin's lungs, echoing trough the training area, at the sight of the injured omega in his human form on the ground with dark blood gushing from his side, his eyes almost white with no pupil. He wasn't moving.. At all.
Seokjin's heart was beating violently inside his ribcage to the point it was going to break through the bone, Hoseok...he was dead.
That alpha there killed him.
Without thinking he ran toward the huge alpha that stood near Hoseok's body with all his strength and power, wanting to claw his throat and heart out and tear his flesh.

Both in their wolves form,  but not the completed one,  started fighting.
Seokjin was keeping up with the fight but unfortunately for him in real life alphas are the strongest and Seokjin's power are barely equal to a beta's which meant the potential of winning this is weaker for him and he is definitely screwed no matter what.

Jin howled in pain when the enemy bit his leg harshly then triggered his lungs, knocking the oxygen out of him. He fell down.

The alpha wanted to finish him but luckily Jimin whom  was by Hoseok's side,  jumped in front of him and kicked dirt in his face, which immediately went to his eyes,  temporarily blinding him.

"Donghae are you fuckin crazy! All of you stop!" someone shouted loudly before running to the alpha whom went back to his human form.
"Stay out of this Kyungsu!" Donghae shouted at him while rubbing his eyes then went back to glare at the Jeon's pack team.
"Killing is prohibited here you fucker! You were going to kill them?! Are you fuckin crazy!" Kyungsu repeated while grabbing his collar.
"Prohibited! He fuckin killed Hoseok!" Seokjin whom had blood and scratches all over his body plus wasn't breathing properly,  said while walking toward the opposite team.
"So what  delta?"
Donghae asked with a smirk.
"You alpha dick!" Jin spat at him before punching him directly on the face with all his force that his opponent fell backwards and kissed the muddy ground.
"Seokjin!He's alive!! Hopi is breathing!" Jimin shouted with slightly watery eyes and Jin ran back to him.
"You're going to pay for this!" before he can continue a loud siren was heard. Kyungsu grabbed Donghae's shoulder.
"Let's go back alpha, they are calling for us,  we should present the target we caught."
"Come back here!" Jin called them with pure hatred and anger burning in his pupil.
"I suggest you  take care of your injured teammate instead of picking up another pointless fight delta." Kyungsu growled at him before dragging Donghae's away,  along with him.

Jimin grabbed different herbs and started rubbing them together while Seokjin was busy pressing a piece of his shirt,  hard against Hoseok's wound. The unconscious omega started to wake up, letting out heart wrenching whimpers of pain.
"Hopi this is gonna hurt. Please forgive me." Jimin said before Jin took Hoseok's hand and nodded for him to continue. Jimin placed the mixture inside the wound which made Hoseok gasped before shrieking and starting to trash around but Jin held him in place till The blue eyed omega finished his job.

Seokjin started a fire to warm both his teammates up, somehow feeling guilty for not being able to protect Hoseok whom was unconsciously muttering words while Jimin had his arms around him,  gently rubbing his back and comforting him.

"Seokjin rest. You're injured as well." Jimin said looking at the Delta whom was walking back and forth.
"I am great Jimin-ah...Hoseok.."
"Don't worry,  he'll be alright...we just need this training to end so we can get him to the infirmary."

Seokjin and Jimin knew very well that they've failed the training but they cared less about it,  right now Hoseok's well being was their priority. That's why both stayed uo all night near the injured wolf,  cleaning his wound,  covering him with their own clothes in order to keep his body as warm as possible.


The male rubbed his face against it,  a soft sigh escaping his lips. His eyes opened slowly revealing that he was in an all white room, on a bed he didn't recognize as his.
"Why good morning you lazy ass." Jimin who just entered the room greeted him with a big cheerful smile.
"TRAINING!" he shouted and started to frantically look around but stopped once Jimin placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Easy there Hoseok. You're still recovering."
"What happened?"
"I was going to ask you actually."
"....Did I sleep too much?"
"Not really just three to four days."
"Hopi! Stop shouting! You've blown my ears!"
"Where is Jin?"
"Getting us some food...let's just pray he doesn't get into a fight with another alpha...Sometimes I feel that he was born with a natural instinct to fight them."
"Probably got out of his mother's belly with his tiny fist up shouting" Fite me"
They both laughed.
"I heard that!" Jin said looking as if someone stepped on his tail.

"I am so sorry....our team failed because of me." Hoseok said, lowering his gaze.
"Who cares for stupid training ,  we almost lost you."
"I am not done with Dongbitch yet."
"Seokjin don't start with it. You can't always be reckless and care free." Jimin scolded the delta and Hoseok also whispered a small "He's telling the truth" to Jin.


"A lot of you think that alphas knows nothing but dominance and possessiveness."
Professor Kim Jihyun said and Seokjin replied by "Obviously!" which made half of the class laugh.
"Kim Seokjin."
"Sorry sir."
"As I was saying, a good alpha is someone who can take care of his mate no matter what, for example do you know that an alpha could purr?"
All the alphas in class started protesting while other betas and imegas gave them weird and funny looks, Seokjin himself was blinking,  unable to imagine such a thing.
Jihyun growled and three seconds later silence took over the class.
"Betas, omegas...even deltas, in stressful and terrifying situations, they are ten time more fragile than an alpha, they may risk a nervous breakdown where fear can take over their bodies and senses. Indulging in the embrace of an alpha while listening to his purr can immediately calm them down."

Seokjin bit his lower looked outside the Window, his mind wandering off somewhere in the memory.
To that one specific alpha...Jeon Jungkook.
He wondered...would Jk really would it feel to be in his embrace, breathing his heavy scent and listening to his purr..

He looked at his side to see whom was poking him.
"Yes Jimin?"
"Professor Kim is capable of telepathy so don't let your guard off."
"You were daydreaming."
"Was not."
"Wipe the drool you have in the corner of your mouh." Jimim replied with a smirk earnings a slap on his thigh from Jin.
"You sure delta don't go through heat?!"
"Park fuckin Jim-"
"Park and Kim can you focus?"
"Sorry professor!"


"No. The answer is still no and till the moment I die it'll remain no."
"With all respect alpha,  but you should be wiser and don't let personal past experience affect you."
"Chul nim I don't-"
"Cut the act Jungkook,  I know,  Namjoon know and every single member of the pack know that you're still not over it. But you need to have heirs. Again"
"With my death,  it'll be the end of end of the Jeon's line. I depends on Namjoon Hyung to continue. Last time I was forced to do so...and what happened huh?"
Namjoon looked down and Chul sighed deeply.
"Have no fear. I am your alpha,  and you know that I'll give my life for the pack but I do not wish to have any heir or mate. That's all I am asking for as an alpha." then he left.

"Chul nim I think we should stop trying to persuade him."
"We are all indeed loyal to our past."
"I still have some hope left..the delta male."

C O N T I N U E D 🐺

Hey guys.
A lot happened to me while I was inactive...
Hospital,  losing someone I knew and uni... Yeah so really sorry for lateness and let's not forget the glorious writers block.
(Who missed Jinkook together here? XD)

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