Chapter 1: The kid with lots of questions and no pants

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Longzhu excitedly listened to the new owner of the teapot speaking to someone who didn't seem to be the talkative type. He anxiously stood at the entrance to the spout of the teapot he shared with his friend BaoZhai for the last 1,000 years.

"I just wish.. I could keep our promise." The young man sighed softly.

"It's showtime!" Longzhu grinned happily as he rubbed his hands (paws?) together and pink smoke began to fill the teapot as it shook and vibrated violently. I rushed over to his side as the top of the teapot flew hundreds of feet straight up through the air at dangerously high speeds.

Suddenly the teapot exploded with an extremely large cloud of pink smoke and glitter as we left the teapot for the first time in a very very very very very very long time. "GREETINGS, GREAT MASTER!" Longzhu said with an echo in his voice for an extra dramatic affect. "The heavens have opened! Your wishes will be granted! For I am Longzhu- zhu- zhu- zhu." He yelled out (and said the the last part of his name a few extra times to make an echo even though he already was using an echo with his voice).

Long looked down and made eye contact with the young man in a ripped up suit jacket and some sky boxers. "Oh, a peasant boy. Well, this'll be easy." He said with a slightly amused chuckle.

I flew down from my spot next to long and down to the roof in front of our new master. "And I'm BaoZhai!" I said excitedly. The man stared at me in shock with his eyes wide open and his mouth slightly open.

"Look! I know what you're thinking, 'do my eyes deceive me?'" Longzhu said which caused both me and the new guy to turn our attention back to the slightly larger pink dragon as he walked down his tail like a stair case.

"'A super, all powerful, magical wish dragon!'" He said as he reached the roof top's surface and turned to stand next to the new dude, looking off in the same direction as him. "'Could this be real?? Is magic real????'" He said with his eyes going big with faux wonder. His tail flicked into the man's Achilles heel, causing him to trip backwards into a golden throne that suddenly appeared below him.

I zipped over to the left hand side of the throne and made a drink in a pink glass and a tiny blue and tan umbrella appear out of thin air with the snap of my talon finger/paw toe things.

"Yes.. it's real.." Longzhu said with a charming smirk on his face. He used a finger to push his chin up and close his mouth. "So! Now that we got that out of the way, onto the important part." Long said while staring at the confused guy in the throne in between me and zhu. "Am.. am I dead??" The confused man asked as reasonable panic began to set in. He stands up quickly and reaches his arms out as he shouts to no one, "Grandma! Its Din! I fell off the roof. I'm coming for you!"

Longs tail reached around Din to pull him backwards back into the throne. "Nonono, you are very much alive. We are magical wish dragons, who will grant three wishes to the owner of this teapot." Long explained. "And you, sir, are our master!" I added on while nodding my head toward Din. "So go ahead.. wish awayyy." Zhu grinned. Din silently looked from Zhu to me and then looked straight ahead, still in complete shock as to what was happening. "Ok, you got me. Where are the hidden cameras??" Din said as he stood up ONCE AGAIN and looked around at nothing, ONCE AGAIN. "Great joke guys!" He chuckled as long scoffed in disbelief, "Joke??" Zhu looked at me with a confused expression.

"Is this like a hologram or something??" Din asked the sky as he tugged on longzhu's goatee. "I assure you not." Long growled as he lifted up Din and made himself bigger. They both flew up into the clouds and I quickly followed after. "Do you wish for a suit of armor made of solid gold? It shall be so." He said as he made a large suit of golden armor appear on Din. I flew around Din and around Longzhu's large tail. "Do you wish for the strength of 1,000 men??? BOOM! It shall be so!" Long said as he made Din suddenly have an extremely muscular body that was obviously not natural. "The finest carriage in all the land?????" POW! ITS YOURS!" Long shouted as he made a carriage appear and carry Din through the air.

"The wings of a hawk!! CAW CAW" I cried out as I turned his arms in the hawks wings and flew next to him. "Or the legs of a giraffe?" I gasped as I turned his lower body into a giraffes. "Or ANYTHING ELSE.." Long said as he poofed us back onto the rooftop and returned Din back to his normal appearance, "that your heart desires." He finished as he made his body go into the shape of a heart.

Din stared at me and Long as he held the teapot in his hands. "So.. you guys are wish dragons?" He asked us while raising an eyebrow. "Yes." Long responded with a grin while I sat next to him nodding eagerly. "And.. how many wishes do I get?" Din asked. "Three, you get threeeee wishes." Long answered anxiously while holding up three fingers. A beat of silence past as long and I eagerly waited for Din to begin using his wishes.

Din reached out and grabbed the end of Longs tail, right below the large tuft of fur that is similar to a lions, "How do you guys fit in this teapot??" Din asked. "Uh.. magic *clears throat* its a magic teapot." Long said with a slightly uncomfortable twinge to his voice as he snatched his tail out of Din's hand and quickly dusted it off as his Din had gotten it dirty. "It's so small!" Din exclaimed while trying to fit his heel of his shoe through the top of the Jade pot. "How old are you two??" He asked us while looking up with a confused look, and before we could answer, Din asked, "Where'd you come from??" He asked while he turned his attention to Longzhu. "Look at your little arms! Why are you pink?? Shouldn't you be green??" Din asked while walking around Long. He turned to me and reached up and I leaned down so he could reach more easily, "Your face is so soft! I just wanna touch it!" Din admired and I smiled with amusement at Din's confusion and wonder while Long looked less than pleased.

"Ooh! Can you breathe fire??" He asked me and buzzed his lips together to emphasize his point. "Sort of!" I answered and I puffed out a short gust of flames away from either of them as to not start a mini barbecue. Long used his tail tuft like a hand to grab the back of Don's dress shirt and he quickly lifted him up and pulled him so that he was in front of him and away from both of us. Long deeply inhaled in pure frustration and annoyance, "okay.. look peasant boy, I don't have time for all your little questions and I'm not here to be your friend-"
"Woah woah woah, you have to earn my friendship, and frankly, you're not doing a very good joA WOAH-" Din shouted as he was spun around and wrapped up on Long's tail and his mouth was covered to keep him from talking more. His hands were left sticking out with his palms up so that Long could place the teapot in his hands.

"Listen carefully. Every Wish Dragon, must serve 10 masters before they're free to enter the spirit world, and you are the last one. Now, I've been stuck-" he shrank himself down and entered the teapot and listed the lid above his head, "in this teapot, for 1,000 YEARS, so the sooner we can get this over with, the better." He made himself grow back to his regular size. "Is that clear??" Long asked Din. Before anyone could say anything or answer any more questions, we all turned to the door to the stairway that lead to the roof as the sound of loud thundering footsteps grew louder and closer.

Forever and Always: Longzhu x Reader/Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now