Chapter 2: Adventures in the New World!

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The three men stepped out onto the roof top. A tall bald man with no eyebrows and an all white suit passed the other two males and stood intimidatingly in front of the three of us. "I'm terribly sorry, young man, but I'm going to need that teapot." The bald man said with an underlying threatening tone. "Uh.. I.. I think it's theirs??" He said while using the teapot to point at me and Long behind him. "*sigh* only the owner of the teapot can see us." Long said while rolling his eyes with his usual annoyance.

The three men looked toward the direction Din pointed in and then back to Din. "Well, I'm sure they won't miss it." The man in the white suit said before they began to close in on Din. "No way.. I found it- wHoOA-" Din exclaimed at he slipped off the side of the roof, and continued to smack into things before landing on an abandoned toilet on the ground. I quickly went into the teapot to avoid the inevitable street fight that was going to unfold. Long quickly followed my lead and we both continued to be jostled around as Din ran into a dead end. "Not good.. I wish I knew how to fight." Din thought out loud not realizing that because he used the word 'wish' he would get Kung fu powers.

Me and Long continued to be thrown around into the walls of the teapot and into each other as what we could only assume by the throwing around of the teapot and the sounds of fighting that Din was massacring his enemies. "Be careful out there!!" I shouted even though I knew it would only be heard by those inside the teapot which was just me and Zhu.

I slipped up the spout of the teapot to peek out and see what was happening, but all I got to see was Din on the ground with his foot stuck in a door and the shortest of the three men reaching down to grab the teapot before Din grabbed it at the same time as him and flung the short man into the split in half door. I quickly retreated back into the teapot and finally the spinning and the flipping stopped. "Are you alright?" I asked Long as he rubbed a hand on the side of his head in pain. "As good as I can be after all that.." He said through gritted teeth, then suddenly, we both were thrown into the front of the teapot as Din flew through the air and after a couple seconds of peace we bounced around as Din ran up a staircase and jumped off a fence.

Din raced back to his Shikumen while clutching the teapot tightly against his chest with both hands, hoping that the men wouldn't have the energy to follow him home.

*time skip to the next morning*

"Din, up now!" A woman sternly said to Din (obviously). "How about a kick to the face..?" He muttered in his sleep and clearly by the angry response from the woman, that was not the right answer. "Breakfast is on the table." The woman said in the same stern tone as before, "Thanks mom." Din responded in a groggy voice.

I sat next to Long, whom was still curled up but was very much awake, and I stretched my arms and back while yawning very exaggeratedly and flopped backwards on top of Long. He immediately began to try and push me off while yelling at me to stop being so lazy and sit up and before I could respond with something that would obviously be the most hilarious thing ever said by anyone ever, we tumbled around the teapot as it flipped over and landed back on its bottom as Din accidentally slipped on it while getting up and out of bed. "hOW MANY TIMES IS HE GOING TO JUST TOSS AROUND OUR TEAPOT???" Long shouted in a fit of frustration.
I chuckled slightly at this reaction and he shot me an angry glare and I scrunched up my nose and squinted at him playfully back which made him groan in annoyance very loudly and flop himself back onto the floor. "I'm going to miss times like these when Din uses his last wish and you go to the spirit realm." I admitted to Longzhu. He looked up at me with a slightly confused expression on his face, "what do you mean?" He asked. "Well you know that I'm never going to spirit world because.. I was never human.. and I'm doomed to be in this teapot and serving masters with new dragons that do get to go to the spirit world like you for all eternity. Its always been hard to let all those friends go but.. something tells me it's going to be so much harder when you have to go." I confessed. I turned my head and flinched slightly when I saw that he was staring at me with a wide eyed expression.

Forever and Always: Longzhu x Reader/Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now