~ Two ~

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Ryan POV
It's been four weeks since I heard those words that have never left my mind ever since. All I could think about is what she said and the devastation and fear in her eyes.
"Kev it's too dangerous for you. I can't lose you as well"
It just keeps repeating over and over again. Never stopping for a minute. I tried everything to stop it like pushing myself into my work, trying to block it out, and even avoiding Scarlett. But that only pulled her closer to me as she got worried. I sigh as I stared at my computer at my arrest paperwork watching the line flicking on and off. My hand reached the keyboard when my name was called from the Captain's office. I slowly push my chair away from the desk and walked over to the Captain's office. I pulled the door and walked in before gently closing the door behind me. Before turning around to see Scarlett standing in front of the desk which her hands were covered in blood. Without thinking I rushed over to her as I was about to check her for wounds, she pushed me away. Tears filled her eyes. She looked hurt and betrayed.
"Stay away from me" She said firmly.
I stood there just looking for the help in her eyes somewhere, I can't leave her like this. I could feel all the pain and all the betray that she went through. I held my hand out of her before stepping closer to her.
"Sky, you can trust me. I would never betray you, I know something bad has happened in the past but that will never stop me from proactive you or how I feel about you" I said as I slowly mumbled the last bit.
She just stared at me before pushing my hand away. Our eyes meet each other once they locked, I could see her slowly giving in.
"Please Sky, let me help you. Let your NYPD family help you and trust me we will do all we can to help you get away. I promise. But you need to tell me what happened" I said firmly.
She stood there with no emotion on her face. I knew it, she didn't want my help which crushed my heart completely. I try to hold in my tears. We just stood there in silence. If this wants she wanted then fine but I am not letting her go that easily not her.
"Kev please just go" She said.
I don't know what came over me, I just snapped.
"Then WHY did you call me in here. WHY Sky! WHY!" I shouted.
She looked at me in shock.
"If you want me to go then WHY am I standing here trying to make you stay. Trying to help you but it's nothing going to work" I shouted.
She didn't even flinch when I shouted at her. I leaned against the wall and just stood there looking down at my feet. I tried. I tried everything to help her but she didn't want it. No matter how I tried. I slowly slide down the wall and onto the floor. Without realizing I could feel tear slowly streaming down my face. I didn't want Scarlett to see that I was crying so I hide my face in my hands. I sighed. Just then I felt her sit beside me, I didn't bother looking at her. I couldn't.
"Kev, I don't want you to get hurt or lose anyone else. I can't handle losing it especially you" She said softly.
I still didn't look at her, I couldn't after I just shouted at her. Just then I felt my hands being pulled away from my face. Before making me look up at her. She was about to say something when we heard talking just outside.
"I heard shouting and it sounded like Ryan" Esposito said.
"You sure Espo, Ryan never shout no matter what"Beckett said.
"It was him" He said.
I looked at Scarlett to see that the blood was still on her hands, shit they can't see her like that. Quickly I grab her hands and used tissues to rub the blood off her hands. God knows what would happen if they saw her like this. As I started to panic, Scarlett didn't. She gently took my hands in hers. I looked up at her.
"Kev it's okay, they need to know. You all needed to know the truth" She said.
Just then the door opened, we both looked up to see Espo and Beckett. Once Beckett saw Scarlett's hands, she stopped Espo from running over to me. I knew this was going to happen. Before anything could happen, I quickly got up pulling Scarlett with me. I looked at Espo first then at Beckett, she had her hand moving over her gun.
"Kev why are Scarlett hands covered in blood" Espo said.
"And why isn't she in handcuffs" Beckett said.
"Because I know whatever happened wasn't her fault" I said.
"Kevin, she has blood all over her hands and you're saying it's not her fault" Beckett said.
"Beckett hear him out" Espo said.
I turn around to face Scarlett.
"Sky you need to tell us" I said.
She sighed before nodding.
"Kev promise me this, if I tell you that you won't be in danger and you won't go after them" she said firmly.
I can't promise that I won't but I can promise that I can try.
"I promise" I said.
"Where do I begin" She said before I turn around to face Espo.
Espo had a little smirk appearing before turning serious.
"From the begin when it all started" Beckett said.
She sighed.
"Well, it all started when I was a bodyguard for one of the most dangerous Mafia in New York. I was standing outside the boss's office when I heard a familiar voice yelling in pain. That's when it click, the boss was torturing someone. Someone that meant the world to me and I couldn't stand out there and take it. Without thinking, I quickly grab my gun and kicked the door down once the door was opened that's when I saw" She paused for the moment as tears slowly streamed down her cheek.
"Sky, you don't have to tell go on. We can hear the pain in your voice. I can't imagine what you went through" Espo said.
She shook her head before carrying on.
"As I was saying that's when I saw my brother tied to a chair, broken nose, blood over all his shirt. Which I just lose it. I aimed my gun at the boss and just pulled the trigger not caring what would happen. I grab Ricky and got out of there and never look back. And now it's has come back on me" She trembled.
I slowly approached her, her hands were shaking. I gently grabbed them which she looked up at me.
"Sky, I promise you that no one will hurt you. Plus you're a very skilled and smart detective" I said softly.
I could see a smile slowly appearing on her face.
I heard coughing. Shit, I forget Espo and Beckett we're still here. I felt my cheeks slowly warm up. Beckett walked over to us and slowly pulled her hands to Beckett. She looked over them. Before slowly panicking.
"Kev" she said.
My eyes slowly wide when Beckett slowly pulled up Sky shirt to see a bandage wrapped around her waist. Tears slowly filled my eyes.
"Why did you tell me" I said.
She just smiled before falling into my arms.
"Kev put press put the wound, Espo gets Lanie. She will be able to help before the paramedics get here. I keep Castle away" she said.
I slowly laid her down, nervously pulling up her top. Quickly I put pressure on the wound.

I could see the fear and worry in his eyes. All I could do was just smile at him. Gently I reached my hand to his cheek. I slowly stroked his cheek as wiped his tears away. Before I could say anything Lanie came rushing in with the paramedic behind her. They rushed over to me. Pushing Kev away from me and putting pressure on my wound. I gasped.
"Kev" I gasped.
He rushed over to me. I gently turn my head to him.
"If everything happens to me, tell my family that I love them" I said as I felt myself slowly giving up.
"Sky please, I...." He was cut off by everything going black.

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