~ Four ~

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I was just sitting there covered in Sky blood. Just staring down at my hands. Why didn't I just notice it straight away and get Lanie to check a look before it got worse?
"Kev man, come on" Espo said as he dragged me out of the Captain's office.
"Sky needs you, she needs her NYPD family behind her. It's the Mafia Kev we need to take them down" Espo said firmly.
I didn't say anything until I heard the ding of the elevator. I need to see her, she needs to be protected. We don't know who we are up against.
Time Skip
I reached the room Sky was in. I look through the window to see wires attached to her arms and chest. She looks pale and weak even though she was smiling at Castle until she saw me. Once our eyes meet I felt a little spark run through my body. Quickly I pushed the door open and that's when Castle pinned me to the wall.
"Ricky let go of him" She said.
I felt his hand went straight to my neck. He started to squeeze the life out of me. I gasped.
"But he hurt you" Castle said.
I started to grasp more and reached my hand out to tell him to stop.
"Ricky, he can't breathe and he wasn't the one that hurt me" She said worriedly.
Slowly I started to see the light peaking through.
"Richard Castle, get your hand off Detective Ryan now young man" Martha said.
Just then all the air came rushing to my lungs. I slipped down the wall slowly breathing in and out.
"Omg Kev are you okay" Sky said.
I was too busy trying to breathe that I didn't notice that she was right in front of me.
"Mum get the doctor, I don't think Kev can breathe probably " she said as I felt her hands on my neck.
I started to panic and moved away from her.
"Mum pushes the red button on the bed " she said.
She nodded.
" I already press it" Espo said.
Just then a doctor ran into the room and ran straight to Sky.
"I'm a fine doctor. It's him" she said.
"What happened" the doctor said as he started to flash a light in my eyes.
And went to touch my neck as soon as he touch it. I groaned in pain.
"Hmmm, we need to have a property look at your neck. It needs to be an x-ray" He said as he help me up.
I couldn't even get my words out but I looked at Espo then at Sky. I could see Sky was worried but there was some other emotion in her eyes but I couldn't let that. That's when it clicked in. I knew who did this to her. I gave Espo the look, he should know what I mean. That's when I saw Beckett and Lanie rushing over to me and the doctor. Lanie looked worried as she came over to me to check my neck.
"Kevin what happened" She said.
"Mr Ryan here was attacked and he's going for a neck x-ray to check if there is any damage" The doctor said.
"Who attacked him, I'm Detective Beckett" She said.
My eyes moved to Sky room where Espo was in the middle of Sky and Castle. Beckett followed my eyes.
"Lanie go with Kevin, I go and see what's going on" She said.
She nodded as Beckett went straight into Sky's room.

Time Skip

"Why the hell did you attack Kevin Castle" Beckett said with her arms crossed.
"He hurt her Kate" My brother said.
I rolled my eyes at him.
"For fuck sake Ricky, he didn't hurt me. He would never hurt me. He's my partner we protected each other. How dare you say that he did that after all, I did for you Ricky. I put my own life in danger because of you and this is what you do" I shouted at him with tears in my eyes.
He just stood there looking at me.
"Castle answers her" Beckett said.
As he was about to answer, the doctor walked in without Ryan.
"Where is he" I said as I started to panic.
"Don't worry Madam, your boyfriend" I cut him off.
"He's not my boyfriend, where is he" I said worriedly as I felt my cheeks hurt up.
"Ms Castle, He's........
"Ms Castle, He's okay just a bruised neck. He's very lucky that it's not fractured. We bring him in a second as he had some painkillers" he said.
Thank god, I thought. I smiled at the doctor before he walked out of the room. I looked at my brother with an angry look. And that's when I exploded on him.

Kevin POV
I was about to walk into Sky's hospital room with help from Espo when I heard
"Richard Castle, HOW DARE YOU. You could have killed Kevin. How the hell I am supposed to deal with that after I risk my own life to save you and the people I love. You are such an idiot. After all that Ryan did to save my life and for you to do that. Do you know how much he means to me no? No you don't fucking don't. Now get out" Sky yelled. 
"But" He said with tears in his eyes.
"No buts, just leave, please. You have no clue how much it hurt me to watch the life of the person that most important to me slip away" She yelled.
I just stood there as the last few words repeated over and over again in my mind. Am I that important to her?  Espo didn't look as shocked as I. But the look on Castle's face.
"Richard please just leave" She said
Castle didn't say anything but walked straight past me and Espo. That's when Sky finally noticed me and Espo.
"Just leave" she mumbled before turning away from us.
I felt Espo's hand on my shoulder.
"Come on Kev, let's give Sky some rest" He said.
I sighed. Before nodded. We both headed out the door but I quickly turn my head around to see a tear slowly steaming down Sky's cheek.

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