Chapter 2- Lids, Ninjas and Arm Wrestling

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Tamara's Pov.

I woke up from the sound of my alarm buzzing in my ear. Brian knocked on the door asking for entrance. "What?" I asked. he walked in and looked around. "Look at the time", he said. I turned my head to see the watch. Shit it was 9:00, we were late. I jumped out of bed and pushed Brian out of the room hearing a hey after I slam the door shut. I changed as quickly as possible. And ran outside. I jumped into Brian's car and smacked him in the head. "Your such a dick Brian! Why didn't you wake me up?" I yelled at him. He knows Coach will be mad. " Umm ya about that. We aren't going to the gym." he said. I gave him a puzzled look and he explained. "You see apparently there was a bug infestation so no gymnastics until they say so.". How could that be possible. I have to train for the invitational. I turned to him and made a hand gesture telling him to continue. " oh ya so I called Nathan and Jess and offered them to show them the city and Jess wanted to go shopping so let's go. But first go wear something else."

I walked into the house only to see that I had left my phone on the counter and I had a text. It was From Jess

- hey are you coming with us today - Jess

- yup :) -Tamara

I jumped into the car and blasted the radio. About five minutes later Brian switched the channel to classical. He started singing opera to the music. I started dying of laughter. I couldn't handle it anymore and I turned it off. "what's wrong sis? my angelic voice is too much for you too handle." I rolled my eyes and giggled. "Angelic? More like deadly" I replied. " Oh Tamera we both know you're just jealous." He turned the radio on again and continued . " You are insane", I yelled while laughing.

We finally got to the hotel. I jumped out of the car and froze. "You okay", Brian asked. I shook my head. "Someone is behind the bush". Sadly we have gone through this before so we both nodded and walked into the building like that never happened. Brian went out through the side entrance behind the man. He signaled a P at me. I stood by the door ready to run out. P meant paparazzi and that meant camera and possibly a voice recorder. Brian and I only dealt with paparazzi in the gym and nowhere else and we have made that clear in the public. Brian ran up behind the paparazzi who then ran up and attempted to take a picture until he ran into me. "Hey look at that the twin bullets. So what do you have to say about the bug issue at the gym. " Brian and I are known as the twin bullets because we are both gymnasts and twins. So fans call us twin bullets. Also we scare the living shit out of some people who don't listen to us the first time. Plus we run really fast. Brian who was now on the other side of the paparazzi looked at me in a way saying not to say a word because he had a recorder. Now for getting rid of pictures and voice tapes. I grabbed his face and leaned in as if I was gonna kiss him, but then Brian took the tape from the mans pocket. I quickly backed away and gave him an annoyed look. "I'm gonna listen to this tape and see if were on it....You'll see what will happen"Brian said. I grabbed his camera before he could react to Brian's threat. I looked through his pictures and deleted the 5 he took of us. Brian found nothing on the tape so he gave it back. "Look buddy, we made it clear we don't want anything other than gymnastics in magazines and papers", Brian said as politely as he can. He was a tough looking guy sometimes and now was one of those times. We let the guy go but kept and eye out for him.

We heard clapping from behind us. It was Nathan and Jess. "So what are you guys. Ninjas?" Nathan asked. "Ya umm no. I'll explain later". I didn't want to tell him about our gymnastics life yet. "Why is there paparazzi here?" Jess asked. I nodded. I heard a click of a camera and turned around to see the same guy. "one second guys" I said and bolted towards the man. He tripped and fell on the floor. I got to him and sat on his chest. "I told you didn't I " I said laughing. I snatched the camera from his hand and saw a picture of me and Nathan standing next to each other. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of the picture . I saw his notebook on the floor. I picked it up to see a note written in messy writing.

- Nathan and Tamera star couple?

I riped up the piece of paper then ran back to them. "Picture of the picture." Brian asked. I nodded and showed it to him. "Well you would make a cute couple." he said laughing. I smacked him in the arm. "I agree", Jess said with a smirk on her face. Nathan laughed. I found that a little odd, but his laugh was adorable. I couldn't help but laugh too. "See" Brian said.

We got into the car and drove to the mall which was two minutes away. Nathan and I went to the snap back store (Lids) and Jess went to get an album . Brian also needed to get her girlfriend, Nicole an album for her birthday so he tagged along with Jess. That was the main reason for me deciding to be alone with Nathan. We walked into the store awkwardly. There was a sign on one of the shelves saying not to put pressure on it because it was broken and was going to be fixed tommorow. "You like this one" Nathan said picking a hat off the shelf. I nodded. "Ya its cute", I said. We spent 10 minutes looking at hats.

All of a sudden I felt something shake. Nathan grab my arm and pulled me towards him. It was all a blur, it went by so quickly. When I realized what had happened I was hugging Nathan and there was a shelf on the floor. "Are you okay?", Nathan asked. I looked at him and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. I felt my cheeks get red. "You blushing?" he asked. I sat down on the chair. "Let's go get some ice cream", I said "I'll text Brian".

Nathan and I walked over to the Lora Secord and got some ice cream. We waited for Brian and Jess to show up but they didn't come.

"So can you tell me why paparazzi are always following you and your brother around", Nathan asked. "Umm ya. We are elite gymnasts", I replied. "Elite gymnasts? Wow." , he said shocked, "So paparazzi chase all elite gymnasts?". I felt like I was bragging right now. "No only the twins that come in second at nationals", I said. His jaw dropped. "Wow. that's amazing.", he said , "So if I arm wrestle you right now. You would destroy my arm." I laughed. "We'll have to see" I laughed while putting my arm on the table. He put his hand onto mine and we both checked our elbows. "Its on Brooks", he said with a poker face. I started off well but Nathan brought our arms back to the center. I put a little effort into it and his arm slammed on the table.

*bzzzz* My phone buzzed. I had a text from Brian.

- Did you enjoy your little date? - Brian

- You little Ass :p - Tamara

"Nath we have to go. Brian just texted me", I said. I grabbed my empty ice cream cup and threw it out. "Sooo u just got beat by a girl in arm wrestling. How do you feel? " I laughed while walking towards the exit of the mall. "Well, not just any girl but an elite super gymnast." he replied. He was so cute and if I had a little less self control we would be making out in a corner right now.

Note* I got ideas coming!!!!!!!!!

* Comment what you want to happen. Or let me know on twitter :p @sykeslovers93

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