Chapter 4- Magazines and Dreams

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Tamara's Pov.

After we dropped off Nathan and Jess at the hotel, Brian and I went home. After today I was pretty sure I liked Nathan. Why did I have to be a goody two-shoes? Brian broke the rules. Why couldn't I? If I dated Nathan I would brake the rules. I wanted gold more than anything, but a boyfriend would be nice. I'm 17 years old and I haven't kissed someone except for those meaningless times we played spin the bottle at the gym parties. I wish I was like Brian.

I brushed my teeth and got into bed thinking more about the whole day. The shelf, the paparazzi, the ice cream. I felt my eye lids get heavier and I drifted off to sleep.


Tamera just go. I'll wait for you. I promise. I heard someone call. It was black and I couldn't see anything. I felt trapped. "Tamera look at me." I heard a snap and my eyes opened. I was crying. My eyes were so filled up with tears I couldn't see who it was. Someones hand brushed the tears from under eyes. I wiped the remaining tears from my eyes and I saw who was in front of me. It was Nathan. He looked sad. I looked around and I couldn't tell where we were. The walls were bricks and they looked old. I felt like I was in an abandoned old building. The lights weren't on. There was a glimmer of light coming through the window but I could tell the sun would go down an it would be pitch black. "Tamera", Nathan whispered. I looked into his green eyes and realized they had teared up a little. "Stay strong and I'll come back for you whenever I can." He grabbed my hand and he drifted away. " This is your life. You can play the game how you want it. I can't control it I can only be a piece in it." I heard Nathans voice rumble in the background as my vision went pitch black. "Tamera its your turn to play. What are you going to do?" And I was gone.


My eyes flew open as a ray of light hit my eye. I walked down stairs to see the house empty. The clock on the wall said it was 9:30 meaning my parents had left for work about an hour or two ago.

I tiptoed into Brian's room trying not to make any sound. His room had a strong Ax smell. He used that way too much. I held my noes and walked over to Brian. I poked his face a few times until he moved. "What do you want?" he asked annoyed stuffing his face under the pillow. "Do you know if there is gymnastics today" I asked. "Clearly there isn't or else you would have gotten a text saying come to the gym." he replied, "Now let me sleep" . Gosh he was moody in the mornings. "Umm I want to go see a movie and I might take Jess and Nathan with me. Do you want to go." I asked. He shook his head. " I don't feel too good. Just go. Bring the car back by five. I got a date to go to. Now let me sleep in piece." he said putting the covers over his head.

I quickly got changed and ate half a toast as I would probably take them out for breakfast as well. I called Jess before I left the house making sure they were okay with it. Jess said she was cool and Nathan was just getting up. He said he was cool too. I got my purse and ran outside. I got into the car and put some music on making sure the volume wasn't high because it was morning and I had just gotten up. I drove for a few minutes because there was no traffic as everyone had already gone to school and work. I parked the car and went into the hotel. Jess told me her suite number as Nathan was still getting ready. I took the elevator up and knocked on their door. Jess opened it. She had a worried look on her face. "Umm hi well you can come in. Nathan is just getting ready. I'm going to get a chocolate bar from the store downstairs. If I don't eat something, I'll die". she walked out allowing me to get in. She had a worried look on her face and she mouthed the words "good luck" to me. Why did I need good luck? Did she leave me and Nathan alone hoping for us to kiss or something. Well that wasn't going to happen since he didn't like me and I just had a small crush.

"Hey Nathan I'm just going to use your washroom quickly," I said. I heard noise coming from the closet assuming he was in there. I walked into the washroom and cleaned up a little and stuff. When I walked out Nathan barged out of the closet shirtless holding a magazine In his hand. It was open to a certain page. "What is this?" he said with an angry tone in his voice. "I don't know you haven't let me see it yet." I replied. He stuck the page into my face. I realised the title was familiar. I'd seen it somewhere. My jaw dropped as I realised the title and picture where from yesterdays paparazzi. They had a picture of us at the hotel and one at Laura secords getting ice cream. "They think we are dating!" I yelled. "if my coach sees this I'm screwed!" I yelled. "Well if my fans see this I'm screwed."he replied still shouting a little. " I thought you said you deleted this." he said with his voice getting louder. "Nathan I swear I did" I was about to shout. "Well you obviously didn't. This is going to screw up a lot of things. The last time fans heard a rumor about me dating Cher they were going to kill me". " I'm not allowed to date Nathan. how do you think I feel.?" we were officially yelling at each other. I grabbed my phone and went on twitter. It was everywhere. Fans were spreading the rumor. "See what you did Tamera! If only you deleted that picture. Neither of us would be screwed today. " he yelled. We were standing right in front of each other. "IT WASN'T MY GOD DAMN FAULT!" I yelled at him. Before I knew it his lips crashed into mine and we started kissing. I put my hand on his face cupping his cheeks. We slowly moved towards the wall and then I was pinned. I was making out with Nathan Sykes and I was pinned to the wall not being able to move. He took a short breath and attempted to kiss me but kissed my hand instead. I blocked his kiss. Why did I do this when it was so amazing. He had a huge grin on his face and I think I was blushing a little. We slowly wabbled over to the bed, and sat down. "Nathan no one can know." I said worried. He put his hand on my shoulder and got up walking over to the closet to get his shirt. " Don't worry. no on will know about me making out with Tamera Brooks." he said with a little chuckle.

note* tell me what u guys think. I don't even know what's going to happen. I find out when Im writing the chapter. Btw let me know what u want to happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2013 ⏰

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