🌷My Rythm🌷

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First, I'd like to say a few things!
1. 200+ READS?? WHAT?? TYSM!!
2. Thank you to @0uma-h0t-man-abs_
for requesting this!

This is an oumatsu fluff! 💖
Kaede's Pov:
It was 9:12 in the morning, and I had just left the cafeteria. I helped Kirumi with breakfast, so I got first dibs to taste the pancakes. I've also been talking to Shuichi more. He's really improving on his social skills, so I'm proud of him.

I usually play piano in my free time, but there hasn't been a piano that I've seen yet. I mean, who would expect a piano of all things to be in a place like a killing game.. I guess not. Shuichi had told me that our research labs were now open. I didn't think I'd have one to begin with! But I guess with our circumstances it wouldn't be very surprising for anything out of the ordinary.

I walked down a new hall that I had yet to explore. As I was walking, I heard.. a piano? I started listening closely so that I could find where it led. Maybe I could finally have a friend who shared this interest of playing the piano!

When I started getting closer, I could clearly hear the notes that were being played. And.. wow. They were really good at playing the piano. Almost as good as me. I looked up at the door and examined it. It didn't look like a trap, but it did have a music note on the front. This must be.. my research lab? but.. there's someone in there at the moment. Should I go in? Hm.. Yeah, why not!

As soon as I clicked the door open, the music stopped. I walked in and was met with the purple haired supreme leader. We made eye contact, and I could practically feel his embarrassment. He must not like playing in front of others?

"Sorry! I didn't mean to disturb you. You're really good at playing the piano!" I said with a sweet smile. "Oh.. it's okay. It's not much, but thanks."
The leader said a bit nervously. "Do you not like others listening to you play? If that's so, I can just leave you to play again. This is my research lab though." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck and chuckled.

"No, you're fine, really. It's just something I keep from others. I'm not exactly favored or seen as an ultimate supreme leader if I do something like play the piano.. at least that's what they say." Kokichi responded with a quiet but sad tone.
I think this is the first time I've heard Kokichi like this.. and is he.. being genuine??

"Alrighty then! But.. something like playing the piano wouldn't change your leadership skills. To get the supreme leader ultimate, you basically need to be born with the skills of a leader! It's incredible you can play this well!" I said, clearly happy about him being open with me for once.

"Thank you, Akamatsu.. would you like to play the piano with me? I mean, this is your research lab. Also, sorry for using it without your permission.. I just couldn't help myself when you were so slow! It was sooooo easy to find. Nishishi!~" the short boy said with hands behind his head and a big smile.
Andddd there's the Kokichi I know.

I excitedly walked over and sat down next to him.
I faced him and felt my heart skip a beat when I saw his genuine smile. Wow, he's actually.. really cute. WAIT! Noooo, nooo! Akamatsu, you CANNOT be thinking like this! This is Kokichi we're talking about.. well.. maybe he isn't all that bad.

"Soo, are you just gonna stare at me all day? I know I'm hot, but no need to look for so long!~ A picture would last longer." Kokichi said with a grin.

"E-eh! No! Of course not! As if!- Don't be so full of yourself.. uh, let's just pick something to play." I sputtered out. "Okie dokie!~ what do ya wanna play, miss piano prodigy?"

"Hmm, I think we should play [ ]. It's a really nice song. It was one of the songs that helped me win one of my first medals!" I beamed.

"Alrightyyyy!" The purplenette dragged the last part of his word while flipping through the pages before stopping on the song.

He started to play, not long after I did.


I looked to my side and smiled as I finished playing. Me and Kokichi had been playing for about.. wait- what time is it??

Oh, whatever! It had been about 2 hours. Kokichi is.. surprisingly open and expresses his emotion through the piano. You could really tell he put his full mind to it. He even played a song that he made himself. It was so calm, yet it was as if you'd get lost if you listened for too long.

This experience with Kokichi has been great! He's adorable when he sleeps too! Hehe. I'll just bring him to his dorm.

I picked him up with much less effort than I expected. I carried him in a bridal style while walking down the halls. I felt a blush creep onto my face.

Maybe Oma wasn't as bad as others made him out to be..


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