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It was dark and cold, two things that grace hated the most. She didn't even want to come to the party but of course her best friend, Maya got her way. She was a 15 year old girl who in her opinion was not cut out to go to parties on the weekends and get drunk. She would much rather stay in and sleep. But seeing as she was pushing her way through the crowd she did not get her way.

      winning the fight against the drunk people inside, she made her way outside onto the front yard. the yard looked worse than the house, littered with beer bottles and trash.

     " deans gonna have a lot to clean up huh"

Timothée, a boy she was familiar with but has not once spoken to her leading up to this moment. but now was standing next to her smoking a cigarette.

"mhm wouldn't not wanna be the one to do it" she laughed awkwardly.

"me either, you want a smoke?" Timothée offered holding one out to grace.

"no thank you, did you know that 90% of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking? not to mention 1.2 people die from it a year" Grace scrunched up her nose and turned away from where the smoke was traveling too.

" a simple no would be good to" Timothée said throwing his head back with a laugh.

"grace kingston, nice to meet you" holding out a hand for grace to reach, Timothée shook her hand.

" very nice to meet you ace i'm Timothée"

and it has begun.

never ending memories | timothée chalametWhere stories live. Discover now