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" A source has reportedly confirmed that Chalamet and Depp are no longer together after the little woman actor were recently described as single in may's-"  A pillow hit the phone making it fall and turn off.

   "HEY what was that for" Maya exclaimed picking the phone up from the floor and following Grace into the kitchen.

" I rather not hear how my ex is doing and who he is not dating" Grace said, she grabbed the milk out of the fridge and slammed the door closed with her foot.

"Y'all broke up 6 years ago, you would think you would be over it" Maya cleaned up the mess Grace made while making her cereal as she spoke.

" I am over it" Grace exclaimed.

"You don't sound like it"

"Shut up i am so over it" Grace exclaimed walking away from the kitchen and out the front door.

Only to walk back in.

"Shit i forgot the dog"


If you were to say that Grace was not a jealous person, you would be called a liar instantly. One of them being Grace she wasn't gonna deny it. It was a bad character trait and she knew it.

"Maya said that you flipped out about timothée" Rowan was hugging himself, it was cold in new york. It being the coldest it has been all year.

"no idea what your talking about ro" Maya was walking her dog, Daisy and she ran into rowan, literally he was running and crashed into her.

"Isn't time you got over him?"

"i am over him in fact i have a date tonight with a really hot guy" she did not have a date, but if it got Maya and Rowan off her back, she had 10. "and you and Maya really need to get off my back with that"

"sure you do grace, i'll believe it when i see it" rowan laughed. " i gotta go but i'll see you later bye" he turned around and ran off in the other direction.

Stupid fucking mouth, i do not have a date. he's gonna tell Maya and now i will have to go out. Grace thought walking down the street that her apartment was on. Her and maya had been sharing an apartment for 2 years at this point but Grace had a feeling that she would be moving out with the guy she had been seeing.

  "Welcome back Miss Kingston"The doorman Henry said. He had been working there as long as Maya and Grace had been living there.

    "Thank you henry, love the outfit" She winked. It had been the same uniform that he wears everyday but she liked making people happy.

As soon as she walked through the door of the shared apartment she let Daisy off her leash, who had immediately ran to her water bowl.

   Taking a seat on the couch she noticed that it had been to quiet in the apartment which meant that Maya had gone out, probably with her boyfriend. which meant that grace could peacefully take a nap and not be bugged, which she took the opportunity happily to do so.

   ★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★ but the nap only lasted an hour.

"GRACEE wakey wakey" Maya was so close to being slapped. Nobody messed with Grace and her sleep.

"God what do you want"

"Ro-Ro said that you had a date, why didn't you tell me" She squealed jumping on the couch next to Grace.

"oh yeah that" She was to busy rubbing the sleep from her eyes to think about how she needed to make an excuse for the whole date thing.

"I was beginning to think that you would die alone" Grace snorted.

"i won't die alone, i'll die with a bunch of cats or dogs" Maya scrunched up her nose.

" i would never allow you to do that" Maya said and wrapped her arms around Grace. "and let's go pick out your outfit for YOUR DATTEEEE"

"God fuck i knew you were hugging me for something" Grace whined.

Maya pulled Grace off the couch and dragged her into her bedroom.

"So where is he taking you? " Maya was looking at all the clothes in Graces closet while Grace sat on her bed crisscrossed.

"Just some fancy restaurants, i'm meeting him there"

  Maya made a face " that's wrong he should pick you up"

  "No he shouldn't i don't want him knowing where i live" grace said picking at the string on the bed sheet.

"reasonable i guess, now come on lemme do your hair and make up" and thats what they did until it was time for Grace to leave.


kinggrace dinner ready ✔️

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kinggrace dinner ready ✔️

3k likes| 30 comments
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maya.coleman I feel like a proud mother 🤧
kinggracee stopppp


therubyrose awww you look so different from high school!

user9 who else came from ruby?
user0 me
user23 me! so from what i'm hearing timothée and this girl went to school together?
user45 she's so luckyyyy user23
user2 me but idk why she follows this girl she looks funky.
maya.coleman you look funky user2

kinggracee shut up

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