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It was pitiful, Grace was sitting alone in a bar instead of being on a date with a hot guy that she told her friends she was with.

Not only did she hate herself for lying but she also hated this bar.It has played closer by the Chainsmokers ten times in the 2 hours she had been there and she was over it.

"FUCK YES gimme another shot Jerry" She slid the shot glass across the table to the bartender and slapped down another bill.

"Babe don't you think you've had enough" Grace scrunched up her nose and shook her head.

"No i need more" Jerry chuckled and slid the glass back to her.

And she downed that shit in a second.

"Jerry you don't understand i could be on a hot date right now but no guys or girls have talked to me in OVER A MONTH" Grace complained. " and now i'm here in this shitty bar pretending to be on a date, dude i even posted about it on instagram"

"what about that guy over there?" jerry nodded in the guys direction. "he's been staring at you for some time now.

grace turned around only to see the guy she should of been getting over. Timothée Chalamet sitting there in all his glory.

Timothée turned his head to steal another glacé at the girl that he tried to forget about but found she was already staring at him.

"jerry not him, try to find me another hot guy" grace turned back around and slid back the glass again.

"well hun your out of luck because he's coming over right now"

Timothée decided after sitting there for an hour trying to work up the courage to go and talk to her, that since she had seen him, he should do it now.

And he couldn't of been more wrong.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck Grace thought. she had prepared herself for this for years but she never thought it would actually come.

"hey Grace long time no see" Timothée stood there with his hands behind his back shuffling back and forth.

"Long time no see? good bye timothee" Grace stood up and slapped down a couple more dollar bills. "nice meeting you Jerry but i gotta get home"

"wait no grace let's talk" Grace scoffed walking around him heading for the door.

"you should of tried that 6 years ago " That didn't stop Timothée from running after her. he let her go one time, he didn't want to do that again.

"come on ace don't be like that" Grace paused and turned around. she couldn't believe the audacity this man had. and to be honest Timothée didn't either, seeing that he made a face immediately regretting his choice of words.

"no you do not to just get up and leave like that and try to talk to me like we are pals, and do not call me that" She exclaimed shoving timothée back away from her.

" go fuck lily-rose or something " and with that she walked home.

   ouch timothée thought.
"Gray your back tell me all about it" Maya said with her back turned to grace.

and that's when Grace broke down in the tears she had been holding in since the conversation with Timothée. Maya turned around the excitement fading and turning into concern.

"no was it that bad? do i need to kick someone's ass?"

"There was no date mimi, i just told you guys that to get you guys off my dick" she said wiping her tears that were still rolling down her face. "i went to a bar to pass time and timothée was there and he tried talking to me like we were besties"

Maya didn't know what to say, it reminded her of when timothée broke up with Grace. Grace came barging into Maya's room sobbing telling her that timothée broke up with her on there date. and she was feeling the same she did then, like she wanted to kick his ass.

"now i feel like an idiot because i went off on him, like who does that? he seemed over it! why can't i be" Grace's shoulders shook as she cried. this was the first time she has cried over timothée in years and she hated herself for it.

"hell no Gracelyn Marie kingston, look at me" Maya turned her head so that she was looking at her even though Grace avoided eye contact. "you are in no way of an idiot Timothée should not or tried talking to you, and he has not right to either"

"you hear me?" Grace bit her lip but nodded anyway.

"yes ma'am"

"now good let's go watch mamma mia again" Maya smiled winking.

Grace giggled and quickly walked towards her room to change into her pjs. she was happy to have a friend like Maya who quickly helped her with anything she needed her too.

"what kind of ice cream do you want?" Maya was digging through their freezer by the time that Grace had come out of her room. "we got vanilla, strawberry or cookie dough"

"cookie dough"

"fantastic choice" Maya said pulling the ice cream Grace picked out of the freezer and making her way over to the couch that Grace had been sitting on with mamma mia pulled up on the tv.



kinggracee "Mamma mia, does it show again? my my, just how much i've missed you"

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kinggracee "Mamma mia, does it show again? my my, just how much i've missed you"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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