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"What should we do today?" I asked while walking with Yeji. I placed my hands in my pocket while patiently waiting for a reply.

Yeji looked at her diary and she let out a smile. "The first thing I want to do is buy a new wig!"

The happiness on my face dissolved into a sad look. I was expecting something exciting and thrilling like going inside a haunted mansion and staying there for 2 weeks. I was a little disappointed at my friend. "Wigs? Yeji, you already look beautiful with that black hair."

Yeji looked away and giggled at me. "Don't tease me." She said and lightly hit my shoulder with her palm. She fixed her beanie and smiled.

A big smile formed on my face that showed off my whisker dimples as I gazed upon Yeji's side profile. It felt like my heart jumped out of my chest and fell into a pool of sunflowers.

I don't have feelings for her. She's just the definition of peace, something that I craved for a long time. I straighted my back as I am getting filled with joy and I was smiling brightly because I was happy to have a friend who will always be there for me and cheer me up.

"Is buying wigs bad? is it too boring for you?" Yeji asked with a hint of worry.

I shook my head. "N-no." I said and chuckled. "I'll buy wigs with you."

Yeji walked closer to me and suddenly connected our arms that made me flustered.

"Alright! let's go!"


We have been walking around in circles in the wig store for hours, but Yeji still hasn't decided yet.

I was busy scrolling down through my phone while looking at wigs that are for people who want a short hair.

I let out a yawn while looking at our 3jin groupchat. All I saw were messages from Hyunjin and Heejin. They wanted me to hangout with them and throw some eggs at random people in Seoul.

I didn't give them a reply.

Out of boredom, I turned off my phone and placed it in my pocket. I looked at Yeji and I pouted as she is still unable to decide which wig to buy.

There were so many wigs in the store. There were short hair, long hair, curly hair, and some were for men.

"Yeji, can you pick faster? I'm hungry." I said and I gave myself a pat on the stomach.

Yeji looked at me. She didn't look tired at all. She was still full of energy and excitement. "Ryujin, does this look good on me?" She grabbed a long silver wig from the wig stand and showed it to me.

I started tapping my chin with my index finger while trying to imagine what Yeji would look like if she had silver hair. "It's good." I said.

Yeji smiled and returned the silver hair. "How about this?" Yeji grabbed an orange curly hair from the wig stand and showed it to me.

I nodded while looking at the wig she's showing to me. I feel like curly hair looks good on Yeji especially with that plain black beanie she is always wearing. "It's good." I gave her a thumbs up.

Yeji returned the curly hair with a disappointed look on her face. "This?" Yeji grabbed a mint-colored wig from the wig stand and showed it to me.

I slowly nodded. I feel like the color mint suits Yeji a lot. If she buys and wear that wig, she would definitely give off some summer vibes. "It's good." I said and gave her a thumbs up.

Yeji furrowed her eyebrows as she returned the wig. "Your answer is always the same!" Yeji yelled like a child and stomped the ground while looking at me and pouting.

I chuckled weakly at her. "Well, it's just that...." I couldn't think of another word. "You look good in anything." I said.

Yeji giggled and covered her face with her hands. "You are so sweet."

I placed my hand on the back of my head and started caressing my hair. "Y-yeah." I shyly said.

"But seriously, Ryujin. What color should I buy?" Yeji asked.

I started tapping my chin with my index finger as my eyes wandered around the wig store. I imagined what Yeji would look like on different hair colors.

"Anything is good." I said and gave Yeji a thumbs up.

Yeji sighed and crossed her arms. "What's your favourite color?" She asked that caught me off guard.

"Blue." I said.

Yeji looked at the wig stand and grabbed a wig that has the mix of black and blue. "Do you think this will look good on me?" She asked while looking at me with her luminous eyes.

I gave her a thumbs up. "It's good."

Yeji let out a big sigh. "Alright. I guess this wig is fine." Yeji said and gave the wig to the woman who was standing besides her and assisting her.

Yeji walked towards me with a big smile on her face. "Are you going to buy a wig?" She asked.

I looked at the wig stand besides me and a cute color caught my attention. "This!" I grabbed a green-colored short-haired wig. I put the wig on my hair and I wore it properly.

"How do I look?" I asked.

Yeji laughed at me. "Ryujin, you look so cute with green hair!" She happily said while laughing.

I let out a small laugh while looking at Yeji's adorable eyesmile. "Alright. Let's eat some ice cream after this!" I said.


"Did you have fun today?" I asked as I sat down besides Yeji and handed her the ice cream she liked so much.

Yeji smiled and started eating her ice cream. "Yep." She nodded.

I inhaled and exhaled while looking around. We were sitting outside of the ice cream store I work at. It was a very cold day, but we still chose to eat ice cream to cheer up our tired soul.

After a few seconds of silence, I started to notice that the people who were passing by are throwing glances at me. "Why are they looking at me?" I whispered to my friend.

Yeji laughed at me while looking at my head. "Silly, you're still wearing your green wig. Look at them, people are laughing at you."

My eyes widened a little bit at the sudden realisation. I grabbed my wig and I tried to take it off, but Yeji suddenly grabbed my arm.

"Ryujin, you should be happy that people are laughing at you. You shouldn't feel embarassed. You're doing a good thing by making them happy." She said that made me change my mind.

I smiled while looking at the people passing by and I let go of my wig. "You're right." I said and looked at her in the eyes.

"You're right, Yeji."

Hazelnut - Ryeji Where stories live. Discover now